Halt That Scam! Charge that Man!, By Order of Chief of the Green Police
I'm writing to share an issue of potential considerable concern with you . It seems to me that there may be cognitive infiltration of the green energy movement by perhaps the nuclear and fossil fuels industries to disparage and discredit particularly most viable solar and wind electrical-sourced energy competition. The same strategy has been used in past decades and the first decade of this century -- respectively, against the civil-rights, black-protest and antiwar Vietnam War movements (particularly the organization SCNC and SDS) the Iraq antiwar movement. A most recent high-profile example of this kind of thing, exploiting sympathy in this instance rather than the typical purveying of disinformation and absolutist hypercritical zealotry, was the private-party conservative-politics operation successfully conducted against the once widely respected, socially progressive public-service nonprofit organization ACORN, publicly and politically embarrassed and cut off from most of its funding by donor patrons, including the federal government, as a consequence. Both educated, socially-polished, articulate and grunge, crude-image double dealers matriculate, earn the sympathy, respect and/or confidence of target organizations' leaders and/or memberships, and in the guise of righteous zealotry, indignation toward and hypercriticism of other targeted or falsified imperfection in others that they point out, they lead, sway or try to sway the organizations to behave in such an manner as to self-discredit and self-destroy themselves ideologically, with regard to public perception and their public appeal and support, or legally. I heard one such bright, polished and articulate person, Paul Hawken, CEO of OneSunSolar.org, a professional investor, environmental activist and author, with a duped but apparently sincere Methodist Sunday School teacher, environmental and activist, Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, on KQED radio 88.5 FM's Michael Krazny's Forum show on 09-08-2011 in expressing their appropriate protest of the proposed tars-sands oil Keystone XL 1,700-mile pipeline to go from Canada to Texas turn to using the show to also summarily condemn solar technology, declaring it to be the most inefficient and dirtiest fuel-energy technology and concluding that it is “a failed technology with markets primarily in Germany and Italy,” but amending this conclusion by saying that because of Italy's troubled economy, Italy can’t continue to pursue its interest in solar. He was sure to say that in concept the limitless sun energy of photons into electrons was the perfect energy source but add that presently, given the most-polluting materials of all of which solar panels were made and given their indisposability or unrecyclability upon their disuse, solar energy technology was not ready. By implication, he sounds like a camouflaged advocate for nuclear and fossil-fuels energy by default, by suggestion that the alternatives to these are worse in meeting, or are not ready or are insufficient for meeting societal and market fuel-energy demands. His rhetoric comes at a time when Google, P.G.&E., G.E., Chevron Oil, Total Oil of France, Bank of America, the U.S. Defense Department and Ikea are investing heavily in solar, and solar is proliferating sizably in California, Arizona, Nevada, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Hawaii, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, France, Greece, China, India, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Brazil, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and in at least one Sub-Saharan African nation, Tanzania, among other domestic states and foreign nations. A caller to the show, the first to the best of my recall, right on cue, a shill to my mind, inquired to the effect "Are you saying that for solar we're barking up the wrong tree? Can you clarify and expand on what you said about solar?," which the fake green, charismatic, eloquent alpha guest speaker did. Go to the online audio archives for this show and hear it for yourself:
Bill McKibben and Paul Hawken
forum@kqed.org (KQED Public Radio)Author: KQED Public Radio
Thu, Sep 08, 2011
Author and climate activist Bill McKibben was among hundreds arrested at the White House recently at an environmental protest over a proposed Canada-U.S. oil pipeline. McKibben joins us in the studio -- along with veteran environmentalist and entrepreneur Paul Hawken -- to talk about approaches to tackling climate change.
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KQED's Forum�Podcast by Michael Krasny - Free Podcast Download
forum@kqed.org (KQED�Public�Radio)Author:�KQED�Public�Radio�...�Thu, Sep 08, 2011...�From the�Archives: Will Kaufman on Woody Guthrie�...�Research�shows�that about one-third of the witnesses who pick out suspects choose the wrong�...
In the early afternoon of 09-09-2011 I listened to the KPFA Radio 94.1 FM show ‘Terra Verde explores the lifecycle impacts of solar energy, from raw materials extraction to disposal’ on the pluses and minuses of solar technology by professionally much better informed guest speakers who pointed out that there are manufacturers of relatively clean solar panels (with few toxins) to quite dirty solar panels, and that no electronic technology, or maybe no technology, is toxin free. They suggested solar-panel manufacturers needed to be pressured by the market for solar products -- by vendors, contractors and consumers -- to uniformly produce clean or cleanest possible solar panels now, while the solar industry is in its infancy, to keep and make this technology clean and green in practice and image all the way:
Making solar truly clean and green - September 9, 2011 at 1:00pm,Terra Verde explores the lifecycle impacts of solar energy, from raw materials extraction to disposal.
On 09-16-2011 this pair was hosted on radio again, by the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco in a broadcast presentation and question-and-answer show on KQED Radio 88.5 FM at 8 p.m. This time Paul Hawken took the opportunity to make the categorical assertion that solar panels are made by China, an unchallenged demagogic and dishonest charge quashed by the fact that solar panels are manufactured in the U.S. and in many locations outside of China. The purpose of such a canard can only be to invoke nationalistic prejudice toward a product falsely categorically claimed suggestively to be exclusively produced in a foreign economic competitor nation that is widely complained about in the U.S. to be overwhelming our nation with its products and undercutting our nation in the low cost of labor, by paying poverty wages, for producing the products, thereby under-pricing U.S. competitor products to the resentment of the U.S. production labor force: the strategy of stigmatization and demagogic prejudice for competitor product rejection, using finesse. If one can kill demand for a product, one can kill the market for the product and thus kill the product and industry -- in this case, kill the viable and growing competitor replacement for fossil and nuclear fuel energy, the solar fuel-energy industry. If one can discourage investment in and thereby capitalization or sufficient capitalization of a product and its producer industry, one can simultaneously doubly kill or abort it. The adoption or use of the target’s identity to operate undercover to destroy the target is commonplace and standard operating procedure in the psyops politics of confusion and deception: hence, Paul Hawken’s attention-getting environmentalist organization name ‘One Sun Solar’ behind and from which to attack, demean and discredit categorically current solar technology. His primary focus in both broadcast shows was to speak about and against solar panels and technology, making unchallenged and wrong categorical (all encompassing) and overly broad statements adverse to solar panels and solar technology, while conceding that in concept and ultimately it could make for an or the ideal source of fuel energy for generating electricity. Proof that solar panels and technology are substantially manufactured outside of China is the following:
Ten Top Solar Panel Manufacturers in the USA Listed at diysolarhomes.com
Blue Square Energy
Advent Solar
DayStar Technologies
ASE Americas, Inc.
Kyocera Solar
Sample of USA Solar Panel Manufacturers Listed at Alibaba.com
SUNRISCO Industries Inc.
NEXTEK Power Systems, Inc.
Solar Panel United Inc.
Green Capital Group International, LLC
UL Solar Inc.
WSL Solar
California Global Export
Worldwide Energy and Manufacturing USA, Inc.
Quantus Energy
JPO Solar Solutions
Stockwell Enterprises
Prefer Solar
Solargy Systems Inc.
Everbright Solar
Solarize It Now
Power Production Management, Inc.
Solar Enertec Inc.
Solex Energies
Boost Inverters and Controllers
Hot Box Solar
Bing Technologies LLC
Auxin Solar
HighPoint Inc.
SunHome Newenergy Trading Co., Ltd.
Chicon Solar Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
Ca Solar
Jacobsen Lenticular Tool & Cylinder Engraving Tech Co. (Jaco Tech)
Sample of Global Solar Products Manufacturer Directories on Internet
With these kinds of information and research resources immediately available everyone by internet search engines, why would Paul Hawken speak so ignorantly and cavalierly in wrongful contradiction to them? In this second radio show on KQED 88.5 FM, with frequent Shell Oil and Chevron Oil sponsorship ads, Hawken refrains from calling solar panels and current solar technology a failed technology, assertions he made about solar technology in a previous KQED show approximately a week prior, but otherwise repeats the other categorical negative talking points. KQED was caught and admonished some years ago for broadcasting as documentaries of what were really infomercials for ad sponsors, possibly paying for the documentary-infomercials. Listen to him yourself, to verify my account, in his appearance as a co-guest speaker before the Commonwealth Club on 08-16-2011 at 8 p.m. by mouse clicking on the audio archive of this KQED 88.5 FM radio show:
Step 1, click on blue-colored link
Step 2, click on “media” caption near top of Commonwealth Club Website Page
Step 3, click on “audio” caption in left margin of media page
Step 4, click on “play now” of show listed below once it posts and listen – it has not posted yet
The programs guests are Paul Hawken, author of Blessed Unrest and Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org. McKibben says the climate crisis is getting so severe that civil disobedience is justified to compel the federal government to confront the fossil fuel lobby. Hawken, who worked on Martin Luther Kings famed march on Montgomery, is now helping develop new standards to rate corporate, social and environmental behavior. How do those approaches to change relate to each other? What types of corporations are positive change agents and what types are defenders of the status quo? Where do these two compelling authors agree and disagree?
This refutation of his assertions brings into question his other “categorical” adverse talking points against the environmental cleanliness and efficiency of solar panels and current solar technology, which in paraphrase are that:
solar panels are made of coal product and other very toxic materials that combined are circa 5,000 times more toxic than CO2-emitting fossil fuels;
while they operate, solar panels emit gaseous toxins several thousands of times more toxic and polluting than those emitted by fossil fuels;
solar energy is the most inefficient fuel energy source (for generating electricity) in terms of units of energy returned per unit of expended to produce it. He says that fossil fuels have 100 units of energy returned for each unit of energy expended for their fuel-energy production compared to 3 to 5 units of energy returned on a unit of energy expended to produce solar energy. (If this is a fact, it would be more of a concern to solar electricity power plants (which it does not appear to be as these plants are proliferating in the U.S., parts of Europe and in Australia lately) and not retail consumers of rooftop solar panels (especially with the arrival of solar energy storage in molten salt), solar calculators, radios, street lamps and personal night lamps, cookers, water-heaters, cell-phone and computer battery chargers, private car-battery charging stations, etc., which serve these customers perfectly well with, apart from the cost of the solar capture technology itself, a supply of unlimited, free sunlight and mere daylight, and artificial indoor light for some of these, on which to operate or charge.).
In response to an interviewer’s question as to whether he has any investments in solar, Hawken disclosed that he does not and would not invest in solar. Numerous people listening to the standard talking points and this response from a seeming leading environmentalist would probably take them as product-avoidance ethics and investment advice.
The Lesson to Be Learned from Legitimate, Constructive Criticism:
On a professional basis, just, honest, constructive, medicinal criticism (warranted such criticism) as a form of instructive feedback about one’s professionalism and ethical standards, one’s product or one’s service that can lead to improvements in these should always be judiciously welcomed and evaluated for its merits. Coincidentally, in this regard, a rampage by villagers in China against Jinko Solar Holding, a photovoltaics solar-panel manufacturer in Haining, Zhejiang Province, a company accused of releasing toxins into the local river, was reported on and occurring on 09-18-201l by the Guardian, U.K. This event points out that evidentially there is a serious toxicity problem with and/or in the manufacture of at least some, or maybe many or all, solar panels made in China, but this does not indeed mean that there is a serious toxicity problem with or in the manufacture of all solar panels and solar technology manufactured by all solar panel and technology companies throughout the world, the U.S. or even in China. The lesson to be taken from this incident and Hawken’s sweeping generalizations is that the solar industry needs to establish an independent, expert clean-certified (environmentally acceptable and maximally-possible clean) rating service for solar panels and solar technology and tag-certify by ranking those that meet its standards. Clean-casing or composition for solar technology should be a feature of competition among solar technology manufacturing companies.
The looming big scare for the fossil-fuels and nuclear energy industries is the coming to market, starting this year of 2011, of a lineup of plug-in all-electric and hybrid electric-gasoline-powered vehicles that can drive long distances and required local, work-related and shopping- and errand-related distances, driving on home and office electricity charges of their batteries and on infrequent fill-ups of their gas tanks, as applicable, at gas stations, eliminating and minimizing the need for fossil fuel energy and dependence on the utility companies power grid, when one’s home or facilities is/are supplied with on-site molten-salt storable solar and wind-turbine electricity. With recent applied advances in on-site and power-plant solar-fuel-energy storage, along with wind-turbine and hydro fuel-energy storage, self-sufficient and power-plant solar-plus generated electricity is now poised with certainty to be able to displace and supplant particularly environmentally-hazardous coal and nuclear-power electricity generation and minimize the demand for vehicle gasoline. Both nuclear and fossil-fuels fuel energy is on the defensive socially as never before, with the stark, publicly widespread experiences and witnessing of extreme weather events and the reality of climate change caused in major part by fossil-fuels-emissions heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorbed by and heating the oceans, seas and hydrosphere in general, which in turn give rise to the extreme and radical weather events and climate change; and with 3 nuclear reactor meltdowns of the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plants in Japan (MSNBC.ms.com, 03-14-2011, articles.cnn.com, 06-06-2011) , the 48 nuclear power plants found to be leaking radioactive tritium in the U.S. presently (Today.MSNBC, 06-21-2011) and close-call flood threats to 2 nuclear power plants (the Fort Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Power Plants in Nebraska, May of 2011, Thom Hartmann) and a drought-related wildfire close-call threat to another (the Los Alamos Nuclear Lab in New Mexico, in June 2011) as well as an explosion at the EDF Tricastin Power Plant in Drome, France, on July 4, 2011, 2 days after inspectors found 32 safety issues there (guardian.co.uk) and another explosion at the Marcoule Nuclear Plant near Avignon, France, on 09-12-2011 (Mother Jones).
Since the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disasters and the rethinking by major industrialized nations about nuclear-power-plant safety (and their renunciation of nuclear power plants), as well as closer public and governmental attention to scares and structural deficiencies nuclear power plants and the unsolvable problem of its ever accumulating, dangerous, radioactive nuclear waste, the nuclear energy industry is in a state of panic and psychotic hysteria and lying and lashing out every which way in a fit to survive, no matter the hazard to anything and everyone else, at taxpayer disaster insurance and loan-repayment-default liability. As leaders of major industrial nations have announced their commitment to abandon nuclear electrical power and replace it with renewable fuel-energy sources to meet their energy needs, it should come as no surprise that such a investor and investment adviser as Paul Hawken is using his cachet as a high-profile environmentalist, as well as his public-speaking touring association with more highly regarded and credible environmentalist Bill McKibben, riding on his cachet, too, to most persuasively bad talk and denigrate state-of-arts solar technology now able to store and retrieve solar energy for on-demand electricity in and from molten salt, especially valuable, in conjunction with NG in hybrid NG-Solar, plus, power plants to supply 24/7, around-the-clock clean-made electricity:
“the problem of clean, chemical-free solar-capture energy storage has been solved by a process of storage in and later extraction from molten salt, Arizona uses molten salt for storage :Solar Power Engineering, www.solarpowerengineering.com/.../arizona-uses-molten-salt-for-st... - www.solarpowerengineering.com results,Feb 7, 2011 – 150-MW solar project planned for Arizona will usemolten salt for energy storage. Utility-scale developer SolarReserve has received its ...; Gemasolar Finishes Building Molten Salt – Backed Solar Power Plant ..., www.greenoptimistic.com › Solar Power,Jul 7, 2011 – SolarReserve Receives Funding for CSP & Molten Salt Energy Storage in Nevada ... Solar Power Plant That Uses Molten Salts as Energy Storage ...; Solar Power for Vampires: MIT Team Invents 24-Hour Solar System, CleanTechnica - 1 day ago ... a concentrated solar power system with a molten saltheat storagesystem. ... the idea is to heat the salt with solar energy, then transfer theenergy …”
Now that plug-in electric vehicles can be charged on-site by rooftop solar panels, a solar charging station, or on-site wind turbines (businesses that can afford them can have their own on-site mini wind farms or wind-turbine parks), competitor detractors of plug-in electric vehicles can no longer criticize them for depending on filthy coal-sourced electrical power plants, where coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel, is far more dirty than either the other two fossil fuels oil and natural gas (NG). Their criticism had no true worth in the past, nevertheless, since coal-fired power plants in the past decade produced less than 50% of the nation’s electricity with the remainder, until recent years, produced by NG, nuclear, hydro and the renewables of wind, solar, geothermal and biofuels, in that order. In recent years, NG, hydro and the renewables sources for electricity generation have gained market share and coal and nuclear sources have lost market share in demand and production, with coal‘s market share having declined to 41.5% at the last energy market assessment by the Department of Energy, ended in year 2009. This criticism has been just anti-clean-tech, adversarial propaganda by the competitor, notorious-polluter fossil fuels industry and public insurance and tax-trough leech, radioactive and mishap-coverup nuclear industry and their broadcast apologists, lobbyists, advocates and investment promoters. They have also tried to vilify the wind-turbine industry by exploiting the problem of this technology in being a source of bird deaths, where some birds fly into the turbine blades and kill themselves -- a problem the wind-turbine industry has undertaken to remedy. They have yelped out “They kill birds! They kill birds!,” as though they really care about this but don’t care about and deny the air, water, plant and animal pollution, illness, disease and death fossil fuels emission and nuclear accidents, hazardous waste and critical-dosage radiation cause, in addition to the environmental destruction wrecked in the extraction and mining of their ore. What they want is for solar, wind and the other renewable sources of fuel energy, and technologies that use them (plug-in electric and hybrid cars), to go away. In essence, they want the new kids on the block competitors, that threaten their economics and possibly their existence, to go away. They want our society to be technologically backward and stagnant in permanent dependence on and support of their old-fashion and dangerous technology and industries, and to keep that revenue and those profits, dividends and capital gains coming to them and their investors.
KGO News-Talk Radio 810 FM has each a weekend nuclear-engineering professor and an investment market analyst and adviser who evangelize for “a nuclear Manhattan program” for the mass construction of nuclear power plants across the U.S., at taxpayer insurance and loan guarantee (privatization of profit and socialization of liability and risk) as well as for replacing the federal nationwide fleet of vehicles with natural-gas powered cars (more accurately viewed as “putt-putt, nasty-butt stinky fart car,” giving off 30% more CO2 emissions than simple electric-gasoline hybrid vehicles and dirtier than either plug-in all-electric or hybrid vehicles, if their batteries were charged by 100% coal-sourced electricity, according to studies, which is not the case, and whose driving range is less than mid-range and above new plug-in all-electric and all hybrid vehicles and having a fueling time far greater than public and home fast-charger times for these), to the exclusion of even plug-in all-electric vehicles (which entail neither oil changes nor tune ups, require minimal maintenance and cost the least of all vehicles to insure) and hybrid vehicles -- from a practical standpoint, NG, the least dirty fossil fuel, is desirable and necessary for supplying the necessary fuel energy safely and cleanly in power plants in combination with renewal energy sources to supplant most dangerous coal, fossil oil and nuclear sources and a plug-in hybrid electric-NG, if created, would be a cleaner-running vehicle than a hybrid-gasoline vehicle of any kind. They also advocate for drilling for oil and NG in all wildlife preserves protected from industry and commercial or human development, although the oil from all of these, on their own, without foreign oil, could meet the U.S. oil demand for no more than 5 years at the current rate of oil consumptions by the U.S.; however, the profits and returns to investors would be possibly in the hundreds of billions of dollars in total if the U.S. transportation economy remained oil dependent. They minimize the importance of global warming and climate change and their connection to atmospheric heat-trapping greenhouse gases from industrial and vehicle fossil-fuels pollution emissions and the dangers and time and financial burdens in the construction of nuclear power plants. The professor has even said that climate change has extended the European planting and/or harvesting season, and asked “Isn’t that a good thing?,” paying no mind to the unprecedented heat waves, droughts, wildfires, tropical storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, floods, dry storms, snow storms, deep freezes, etc., striking the U.S. and variously elsewhere throughout the world. His response to BP Oil’s 2010 Deepwater-Horizon mammoth, months-long disastrous, accidental man-made oil geyser and resultant oil flood of the Gulf of Mexico was to the effect that “Oil naturally oozes (seeps) up from oceans floors and it regularly washes up on beaches as tar balls (where in fact it may ooze up in miniscule amounts relative to any ocean’s or sea’s water volume and not in extensive, concentrated and venue-saturation amounts poisoning, sickening, incapacitating and killing en masse marine life and water fowl and blanketing marine surfaces and beaches with oil-slick blight, all together destroying marine-related livelihoods, and undermining scenic and family beach enjoyment and coastal hotel-and-restaurant-industry patronage and financial stability).” The professor refers derisively to environmentalists as “greenies” and “eco frauds.” The hidden agenda of his gospel of stay the course with fossil fuels and nuclear power plants becomes clear when he says that cars of the proposed federal fleet of all putt-putt, nasty-butt stinky fart cars could easily have a switch on them for them to also operate on gasoline. Their professed rationale for the changing of the federal vehicle fleet over to exclusively NG vehicles is that this would jump start and prop up the market for NG (of which the U.S. is estimated to have enough NG to supply all domestic energy needs for at least 100 years, a shortsighted and short-term-thinking frame of mind, and stop-gap fuel-energy supply strategy, not in the long-term interest of our fuel-energy economy and posterity ) and NG vehicles and the domestic transportation market to fuel energy independence from foreign oil and immediately frighten the foreign oil producer nations into dramatically lowering the price of their oil, from which gasoline is made. However, the decisive domestic effect of this implementation would be for it establish a federal monopoly market niche to artificially promote and support preservation of the atmospherically and environmentally dirty and hazardous fossil-fuels automotive and status-quo, traditional fossil-fuels and nuclear power-plant industries to the disadvantage of the nascent but superior plug-in all-electric and hybrid automobiles and clean, unlimited alternative, renewable fuel-energy-sources industries, shutting them out of the federal government market, the largest fleet purchaser of automobiles, and perhaps leading to their embargo by conservative-technologist and industry controlled state governments also giving preference to problematic traditional dirty fossil-fuels technology, not based on competitive performance and environmental friendliness criteria and merit.
Though NG is the least dirty of the fossil fuels, nevertheless it is critically dirty and a serious source of atmospheric polluting greenhouse gases unless it is sequestered and cleanly burned in NG power plants for generating electricity, electricity that is safely and cleanly distributed to homes, offices and facilities from NG electrical power plants. This is a far more superior means of electrical power generation, by any standard, than by means of coal and nuclear power plants, which NG power plants can supplant and are supplanting. The domestic supply of NG utilized primarily in this way could last for two centuries or more, especially if used in hybrid NG and renewable-energy-sources power plants. They know all of this but this in not their advocacy. Why?
Charges by partisans of the fossil-fuels industry of the toxic composition of that solar panels
If it were not for Paul Hawken accompanying Bill McKibben on the public speaking and interview circuit, in truth, there would no open-minded, general listening audience for Paul Hawken’s individual equivocal but anti-solar technology message. The presence of Bill McKibben gives Paul Hawken the open door to a psychologically unguarded and receptive general audience for his at-root, adversarial message to solar technology. If I were the CEO and chairman of EXXON Oil Corp. I would be delighted in hearing Paul Hawken on the speaker circuit and as not any kind of threat to my operation. Rather, I would view Hawken as an ally, if not a fortuitous lobbyist, for my industry, with a softening effect on McKibben‘s criticism of my industry. McKibben is the obvious headline, audience-drawing speaker between the two and is an unmitigated critic of the dirty fossil fuels industry and pro fossil-fuels politics and government policy. These two speaker are easy to identify in listening to them on the radio by their vocal styles. Hawken has the softer, cultivated, more intimate voice; McKibben has the more assertive, firmer voice. They overlap in expressing concern about existent global warming, extreme weather events and climate change, and their fallout effects on the environment, ecology and humanity. We can expect that fossil and nuclear fuel-energy-industry partisans will seize on Paul Hawken’s categorical smear and put down of solar panels and technology, referring to him as a leading environmentalist incriminating this technology as worse than fossil and nuclear sources of fuel energy.
Use you wherewithal to unmask, combat and junk cognitive-dissonance saboteur-infiltrator, duplicitous double dealers in the green energy market and advocacy movement. They are there and are often smart and suave. The fact is that although major solar-fuel energy technology (rooftop panels, power plants and hybrid NG-solar electricity-generating power plants) hold approximately 1% or the fuel-energy market in the U.S., as determined by the Department of Energy in 2009 release of statistics on market share among the electricity-generation raw fuel sources, it was exponentially the fastest growing source, being the most recent year as of today, to the best of my knowledge and research, meaning that solar has the greatest consumer demand and market-share growth potential indefinitely among the other electricity generation sources. Its boom time for solar for a long, long time.
Solar products
Lord Prophet of Powertix
The Green Police
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