Sunday, May 18, 2008

Citizen Insurgency for Cheap, New Car Energy, Now

Calling on clean and green energy-minded television and radio broadcasters to read and take constructive action on this blog and on like-minded persons of the public at large to prevail upon these, and elected representatives, to read this blog and take such action. Previously I emailed to KQED radio 88.5 programs Science Friday and TechNation and KALW radio 91.7 program Your Call a suggestion for an interview with a principal from Tesla Motors to explore the near-term feasibility of a mass-market, long-range, high-speed all-electric vehicle, where it currently manufactures a niche-market such vehicle. I emailed my requests in early May of this year, 2008, days after the existence of the car was announced widely in mainstream news broadcasts. My repeated emails to TechNation bounced and I have received no response from nor observed any broadcast of such an interview on the Science Friday or Your Call programs. If a broadcaster will do the suggested interview with a principal of Tesla Motors it would be ideal to have a clean and green energy-minded congressperson, governor and mayor present for simultaneous interviews:

Please have as a guest on your show a figure of consequence from Tesla Motors -- preferably the president and CEO Ze'ev Drori (new CEO Elon Musk, 11-21-2008) -- to discuss this company's breakthrough, eco-Utopian all-electric vehicle the Tesla Roadster and its broader public-interest potential application in creating a middle-class, mass-market priced model that could contribute largely toward solving the air, food, water, soil, animal and plant pollution and toxic-contamination problem, and atmosphere-warming problem, of our society and the world, as well as America's problematic transportation dependency on financially and politically volatile and insufferable fossil fuels. Currently the only available Tesla vehicle is the Roadster model, for sale by reservation for $98,000.00 ($109,000.00 per new CEO Elon Musk, 11-21-2008) -- produced on a small scale and priced for very wealthy people. Please inquire as to whether Tesla Motors has a vision and plan for a public good, yet to its own concomitant profit, generally affordable, mass-market model of its vehicle engineering. The performance specifications on the Tesla Roadster are: it is 100% electric, accelerates from 0-60 miles per hour in 3.9 seconds, runs at 13,000 rpm redline, operates at the equivalent of 135 miles per gallon of gasoline in energy-use efficiency, travels 220 miles per full battery charge (244 miles per charge per new CEO Elon Musk, 11-21-2008), costs less than 2 cents per mile to operate, and has a top speed of 125 miles per hour. So far, the major obstacle reported for a mass-market vehicle with Tesla Roadster performance characteristics from the point of view of Tesla Motors' top management is the $25,000.00 cost of the battery per car. The solution to this problem may be to step outside of the Tesla Motors' brain box and investigate as to whether an assured ongoing mass market for the battery, or alternative and competitor, equivalent power batteries, could greatly bring down the price of the battery. At the same time, federal and joint-acting state governments might offer tax-free reward money for creation of breakthrough, low-cost super-performance electric and hybrid vehicle batteries. Universities (like MIT and CalTech and outstanding others), in the role of academocracy, might consider getting in on this to secure lucrative patents for themselves for sustained, stable revenue that would permit them to minimize and stabilize tuitions and grant scholarships to super-smart, super-achiever middle-class-and under-class individuals. (Finally, the new CEO of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, was featured as a guest, along with a spokeswoman for Center for American Progress and Daniel Sperling, co-author of Two Billion Cars -- Driving Toward Sustainability, on the NPR 11-21-2008 morning installment of Science Friday hosted by Ira Flatto. Tesla has layed off staff, will focus primarily on its niche market of production and sales by order for wealthy customers and will postpone indefinitely implementation of its plan to build a mass-production facility for production of its middle-income S-model car, due to financial troubles. The new CEO said that his company will be in line behind the big 3 automakers in requesting money, $1,000,000,000.00, from Congess in their next meeting with Congress, to help it commence with its mass production plan.).

Let there be no diminution of or failure to notice the uppermost importance of a new, long-lasting-charge, long-distance, heavy-duty, clean-and-green-tech vehicle battery toward the liberation of our economy from dependence on increasingly too-expensive and injurious fossil fuels and foreign oil. In the least it is of foremost and central importance in liberating our entire transportation system from such dependence in the short term and in fostering the primacy of plug-in flex-fuel hybrid and all-electric vehicles as the preferred vehicles of purchase in the contemporary and future transportation marketplace, inclining our transportation system toward a brief period of minimal and weaning use for liquid and fossil-fuel energy and positioning our transportation system for total independence from such fuels shortly thereafter.

It is true that currently there are other makes of all-electric vehicles (most traveling no more than 60 miles on a full battery charge and operating at a top speed of 35 mph); however, none that I know of except for the Tesla Roadster is both a long-distance and high-speed vehicle.

TESLA MOTORS CONTACT INFORMATION: (650)413-4000, 1050 Bing St., San Carlos, CA 94070; Tesla R&D, 1840 Enterprise Dr., Rochester Hills, MI 48309, (248)829-2550; Tesla website > Contact Us > Member of the Press option > fill in contact info. and message blocks > send.

Big Questions

If battery recharge stations are an issue, in that major oil and liquid gas corporations may resist electric-vehicle battery recharge outlets on their gas stations that would compete with their lucrative and core petroleum products, why can't cities, towns and counties license empty-lot and parking-lot owners to set up metered electric-vehicle recharge outlets or stations (or unmetered for flat costs regardless of time or units of recharge -- also a traditional battery recharge station with battery jumper cables might be on site for emergency or quick in-and-out stops) on these lots for recharge of now plug-in all-electric and hybrid vehicles and why can't they place public advertisements encouraging that lots be used for this purpose and saying that they can produce an income or an additional income stream for lot owners? Maybe cities and towns too can set up recharging stations for their own public-needs revenue; these electric energy recharging stations might also be equipped with solar energy generating panels. Incidentally, the CEO of General Motors Corp. remarked in a speech I heard broadcast on NPR early in the morning of 05-17-2008 that the company's EV-1 failed in large part due to his company's inability to establish an infrastructure of recharging stations for this pioneering model of electric vehicle, withdrawn from the marketplace. Honda Motors Inc., which has declared a same problem for market-ready fuel-cell vehicles it has, on which it will be doing on-the-road, full-year reality tests in a number of nations, can, as a beginning, arrange for the installation of public fueling stations for these at its networks of sales and service dealerships around the world.

If car and truck dealership outlets for sales, and the money and contracts for these, are an obstacle, why cannot green-minded governors and city and town mayors set aside public property to store and sell the vehicles themselves, on consignment, for public-interest revenues from privately produced public-interest technology, to put pressure on private dealerships to also contract for and sell them in order to remain competitive in a new, public-interest vehicle market?

If sufficient capital is an issue for the near-term mass production of a middle-class, mass-market priced Tesla Utopian electric vehicle, why can't Tesla Motors license its vehicle engineering, for royalties per contract, to any, if not all, interested alternative-fuel oriented major motor vehicle manufacturing company/ies in the U.S. and abroad, throughout the world, to manufacture such a vehicle? Since the immediate and broad scale availability of Tesla Motors' electric vehicle engineering is in the urgent public interest, both economically and ecologically, government may have to grant tax and financial award incentives, including governmentally protected patents against infringement, to Tesla Motors specifically and directly to get it off of its smug butt and have it share its engineering and patented technology -- through licensing to major can-do vehicle manufacturing companies with extensive distribution and sales networks -- to initiate and facilitate a rapid, massive-scale change to a Utopian electric vehicle economy. No, we the consumers cannot wait for market forces on their own to bring about the change. There will be recalcitrant financial and legal squabbles and turf and ego impediments between relevant companies that would defeat the rapid change if market forces are relied upon, in this time of fuel crisis that is continually worsening overall. We are talking here about applicable private enterprise working collaboratively and cooperatively to its mutual profit, via the coordination and facilitation of government, in the service of our energy national security and independence and consumers' and our economy's essential and vital interest -- even the Pentagon in recent times has expressed concern about U.S. military vulnerability in its dependence on petroleum energy and has called for alternative energy innovations for operation of its bases, vehicles and fuel driven equipment, including solar energy and hybrid electric-petro and all-electric powered vehicles. An additional primary purpose for public concessions to Tesla Motors is to constrain any reasonably dissuasive financial burden on potentially fiscally pinched U.S. vehicle manufacturers like GM Inc., Ford Motors, John Deere Tractors Inc., Caterpillar Tractors Inc. and Peterbilt Inc. and to maximally enable them to manufacture middle-class and mid-sized business vehicles, on a mass scale for a mass market, at affordable prices and to insulate them from financial strong arming and gouging for use of this valuable new, long-range travel vehicle technology at a time of crisis with regard to gasoline prices and their assault on our economy. A summit meeting among the CEOs, CFOs, CPAs, legal counsels and engineers for these entities might be convened to explore the problems and solutions in and paths toward the sharing of the long-range travel electric-vehicle engineering innovated by Tesla Motors Inc. to the mutual profitability of all. Were I the controlling force in Tesla Motors I would attempt to negotiate patent-use royalties contracts, limited partnerships for joint ventures for augmenting and evolving the long-range, all-electric vehicle technology, and to secure meaningful stock holdings in the other vehicle corporations and a seat on their boards of directors.

Squatting on and monopolizing a socio-economically transformative technology for one's sole, niche and exorbitant and extortionist financial profit is unconscionable and an inherent crime against humanity and human civilization as well as an abomination against American society and the American people, and thus is intolerable and cannot be condoned. Congress and the President should take a critical and stern look at this type of behavior and pass legislation respectively that would authorize courts to nullify, lift or abridge patent protection, as appropriate given the patent misuse or confined use, on shelved and inactive patents and sluggish and insincere patent use and niche-use and extortionist patents. The latter would also put an end to status-quo industry's squelching of industrial advancements associated with new patent-related innovations, beneficial to consumers and society but competitive with the status-quo industry, by status-quo industry's purchase of the patent and innovation and shelving them, etc. By the way, I saw a Conoco-Phillips Oil Company ad on the New Scientist website offering $300,000.00 for new energy ideas. Before offering one's energy ideas to this or any petro-chemical or fossil fuels company I would investigate the company's background of research and development of and support and investment in ongoing alternative energy and alternative energy companies and projects. If there is a "lip service," or a "no more than recent," without a convincingly honest, honorable and aggressive, such background, this offering could be a vacuum cleaners job for sucking up realistic and formidable, competitive ideas and denying them anymore light and oxygen for life and growth with the power of the purse.

Accelerated Transition to the Cheap, Long-range Traveling Electric Vehicle Economy

Top elected local and state government officials (mayors, legislators, attorneys general, and governors) should immediately designate, script and deploy outreach liaisons to coordinate interface between Tesla Motors, municipal and state government offices, potential local servicers and other major motor vehicle manufacturers to revolutionize the vehicle market, to the consumer benefit and our transportation independence from fossil fuels, in the right-now term via a concerted, crash interlocking, localized undertaking. To hell with conservatives and conservatism when it comes to oppressive, financially suffocating prices at the gasoline pump and traditional oilygarchy fat-profit values associated with the expensive, inefficient and environmentally devastating entrenched, retrograde petroleum-dependent vehicle market! Hopefully a political-economic accommodation with Tesla Motors can be made expeditiously for the commercial sharing and widespread harnessing of its long-range electric vehicle engineering, that will result in the averting and a substantial blunting of consumer dependence on enormous imports of foreign petroleum, domestic commercial invasion of pristine wildlife refuges and coasts for oil exploration and development, and the imprudent, cruel replacement of food crops and food-growing land for crops and farm land to be used for biofuel industrialization and production as well as mountain top removal and strip mining of mountains for coal (although collection of cooking, food and agricultural waste, municipal garbage, livestock and human excrement, sterilized bio-medical waste, tumble weed, forest and park-plant fire fodder, fallen leaves, lawn grass shavings, garden, yard and landscape trimmings and debris, etc. -- in never-ending and plentiful supply -- would be well suited for making biofuels to the all-around benefit of society and for providing steady and life-long jobs for otherwise generally unemployable and hard-to-employ people). Electrify and solarize , geo-thermalize and windify our vehicle and building energy needs and wave good bye and good riddance to grime-and-slime fossil fuels for our energy independence and the inauguration of a self-sufficiency, clean-and-green domestic energy economy. We will have to occupationally reeducate, retrain and redeploy displaced fossil-fuels energy workers as the fossil fuel industry phases down and tapers away. Wave, tidal and crank energy need close attention as well. There are already crank-powered radios, flashlights and lanterns. The feasibility of crank-powered backup car batteries, computers, T.V.'s and portable, emergency heaters, hot plates and cooking pots, etc., need to be explored. Now that we have avenues for energy independence for vehicles and buildings, we need to rapidly come up with cheap fuel solutions for airplanes -- in the interim, domestic biofuel production may have to be dedicated to supply these to beat down the price of fossil petroleum gas or do without this gas for airplanes, if feasible. Also natural gas (that is, "vapor gas," conveniently but inexactly speaking scientifically), which, of the fossil fuels, gives off the least, and far less, in greenhouse-gas byproducts, and of which the U.S. has stores in nature capable of supplying the U.S. economy for centuries at current fossil-fuels consumption rates (between 1190 and 1779 trillion cubic feet, as estimated in 1999 and 2000 by the Energy Information Administration, National Petroleum Council and Potential Gas Committee --, can technically be used immediately to replace fossil-fuels liquid gas supplying commercial, private and military aircraft and watercraft. Internal-combustion-engine engineering has established that any internal combusion engine system can operate on vapor gas, instead of and in replacement of liquid gas; there is, as well, readily accessible, relatively inexpensive technology for converting internal combustion engine systems, which virtually all airplanes have, to a switchable vapor-gas v.s. liquid-gas fueled system from a liquid-gas only fueled system -- (compressed natural gas duel-fuel kit outfitters). Honda Motors' 2008 Civic GX NVG now operates and Mercedes Benz Motors' 2009 B-series cars will operates on vapor gas, and Chevron Oil Inc. has installed the first vapor-gas fueling outlet at one of its service stations -- natural gas cars can also be fueled in the garage of one's home by the installation of a fueling device on one's home natural-gas heating system, in the garage, for safe home fueling. In addition, traditionally pro-fossil-fuels industry and big-oil-company-apologist radio talk-show hosts have suddenly, as of July 19, 2008, begun advocating for a domestic energy independence program, free of foreign petroleum imports (with no mention of domestic oil and ANWAR/coastal oil drilling, whereas last weekend and for weeks prior they were haranguing for oil drilling in ANWAR and on the stateside coasts in support of President Bush's vociferous invocation of Congressional approval for this, which the Democratic-Party-majority Congress rejected earlier that week and again late in the week of 07-21-2008 as it nears recessing for the summer, with President Bush acknowledging the previous week that such drilling would do nothing to relieve currently soaring and exasperating gas-pump prices and that the oil from such drilling would not be on the market for seven years), supplied in the main by domestic vapor fuel for cars and a Manhattan-like nuclear program for mass construction of nuclear reactors for production of nuclear-generated electrical energy for electric energy-distributor utilities companies.

The Traditional Fossil Fuels Industry, ANWAR, the Coasts, and the Fossil Fuels Future

The outdated traditional dirty fossil-fuels petroleum industry, its corporate officers, boards of directors, stockholder investors, staffs, business and prostitute scientist tie-ins, lobbyists, beneficiary and ingratiating political legislators and officials, and its media and political public-relations campaigns will hold back no ruse and spare no holds or punches in staying the antiquated, metaphorical horse-and-buggy course, and in discrediting, disparaging and dismissing the viability and potency of the new, alternative energy economy. Although they know that the billions-of-barrels yield of oil (an estimated 3.4 to 10.2 billion barrels) under the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWAR) in Alaska could supply the U.S. economy for a net of no more than a year and a half at the rate of current consumer and business gasoline and oil usage, they nevertheless want to invade and drain this pristine refuge as well as the oil from the coasts of Florida and California (with an estimated 10 to 18-billion-barrels yield that could supply our economy for no more than a net three and a half years at the rate of our current consumption), because those billions of barrels of oil equal hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue and profit for their coffers, compensation, bonuses, stock appreciation, stock capital gains sales, and dividends. Their fixation on that oil and its prospective payout can be equated to the lure of billions of pounds of gold and its crazying thrall on the minds of the ore mining industry if billions of pounds of gold were discovered to lie under ANWAR and the coasts of Florida and California. It is inconceivable to the former and would be inconceivable to the latter that such booty can or could be left alone regardless of the costs to wildlife, the ecology, nature, local rustic and sportsman culture and scenic beauty or the objections of the citizen majority. Let us not be stampeded into surrendering these habitats over to the exploitation of the profit deluged and delirious big oil companies by oil-men President George W. Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney, who scammed, conned and seduced the American Congress and populace into condoning our invasion of oil-rich Iraq following the 9/11, 2001 attack crisis, where the then Iraq government, however egregious its conduct in its own sphere and on its own territory, had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. and did not have the military wherewithal to aggress against any of its neighbors following its military defeat in the Operation Desert Storm war with the U.S. and Coalition troops years before the invasion and in light of its subsequent offensive weapons dismantlement under the supervision of Dr. Hans Blix of the U.N. and his Iraq-offensive-weapons dismantlement inspection team, paired with the permanent presence in the region of U.S. and British fighter and spy planes that enforced 24/7 the Iraq no-fly zone during the reign of the Saddam Hussein regime in its last years, to the end. We should have learned from this lesson the political psychology and modus operandi of the oil-man presidency and the oilygarchy: national crisis (capitalization on), mass trauma and protracted stress, mass hysteria, mass manipulation and herding of the mass hysteria in the direction of serving the manipulator's/s' objectives.

The industrial invasion of ANWAR and the coasts of California and Florida for oil extraction to relieve current suddenly soaring oil and gas prices is a clownish and duncie proposed solution and, moreover, is a non-solution for relief of the currently distressingly high oil and gas prices in the near term, if ever, as it would take five to ten years for completion of the construction of the infrastructure to deliver the first petroleum from these locations, and as the collective automotive industry in Japan, the U.S., S. Korea, India and China is poised without the help of Tesla Motors to largely overcome the oil dependency problem of vehicles with already developed improved plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, flex-fuel plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, fuel-cell vehicles, and town-bound all-electric vehicles that are gradually replacing and will replace, in new vehicle sales, traditional petroleum-fueled vehicles in that time frame easily worldwide. Perhaps the hope of the oilygarchy is to secure monopoly petroleum extraction rights to all high-yield, easy-access public oil and gas geography, during the oil and gas high-price crisis and national hysteria, and thereafter to effect considerable price reduction of oil and gas prices to fuel the aggregate household inventory of outstanding traditional petroleum-fueled vehicles and compete with biofuels to fuel flex-fuel and hybrid vehicles. No more poisonous, carcinogenic hydro-carbons, and their green-house-gas byproducts, in the air, in the waters, in the flora and fauna, in our eyes, ears, noses, mouths, lungs, veins, hair and on our skin and in our pores, and bathing our homes and children on their insides and outsides and maybe we will experience a major reduction in the incidences of all forms of cancer, eczema, asthma, emphysema, etc. Let's phase down and out, as much as possible, gasified petroleum and coal and better preserve our wealth and health.

The Growing Clean-and-Green Renewable, Alternative Fuels Economy

The idea and argument that it is impossible for green energy to replace fossil fuels as the dominant, if not sole, source of energy powering our economy and society because its technology requires and will require forever-growing fossil fuel energy from fossil-fuels-dependent utility companies and equipment for its expansion is abysmally low I.Q. thinking if not blatant dishonesty, as some businesses and homes are already off of the dinosaur, fossil-fuels utility grid and more, including the utility companies, will become increasingly so. And as the utility companies modernize with green energy tech, which they are doing, and build new, all-green tech facilities, they will self generate green energy and buy and resale green energy from surplus-green-energy households and businesses (for which the price of green energy technology will incrementally decline as it is more widely adopted and attract endlessly more adopters), relegating fossil fuels to little or residual relevance (putting them in competition with clean and green biofuels for the lubrication of machine parts and for fueling tools and machines requiring liquid or oil fuel -- fertilizers can be made, as they are in part presently, from vegetation compost, natural ash, manure and biofuels themselves). In point of an example, a dairy farm was profiled in the news, within the past several years, that showed it had supplied all of its energy needs and powered the energy needs of the whole town of which it is a part with biofuel derived from cow excrement -- this can be verified by doing a search on the internet of "news story of energy self-sufficient dairy farm powered by biofuel from cow manure. " Furthermore, the nations of Iceland and Finland have already achieved building energy independence using geothermal energy technology and Germany, Switzerland, Portugal,
Spain, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Israel, the U.S. and China are variously major adopters of solar and wind energy technology, with Japan being at the forefront in innovating all kinds of energy efficient machines and technology and Brazil having become petro-fuel independent in its having established a large biofuels industry. And recently, famous oil multibillionaire T. Boone Pickens has disclosed that he is building the world's largest wind-energy farm and investing in natural gas for fueling cars (, and members of the legendary Rockefeller family publicly have appealed to the CEO of Exxon-Mobil Oil Inc. (Exxon having been founded by their ancestor John D. Rockefeller Sr.), in which the family retains large stock holding (but minor relative to the total outstanding Exxon-Mobil stocks), for him to diversify the company's operations with green energy ventures, but were rebuffed. Also, Google, Starbucks Coffee Inc., Safeway Supermarkets Inc., J.C. Pennys, PepsiCo-et. al., Wal-Mart, the U.S. Postal Service, KGO 810 Radio, A.C. Transit and Pacific Gas & Electric Co. have announced that they have begun to solarize, among many other companies and some church buildings -- and Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) has announced that it will begin to solarize and Intel Inc. has announced it will be investing in clean technology startups. Most ironically, TreeHugger Design and Architecture's website pictures President G.W. Bush's Crawford, TX ranch home and reports that it is 100% powered by propane gas and green-source energy and has 25,000 gallons of rainwater storage, grey water (apparently meaning "non-toilet water") collection from sinks and showers for irrigation, passive solar, geothermal heating and cooling and thermal-mass walls clad with recycled Leuders limestone, and asks whether he is a closet green (the given description is that of a thoroughly green tech estate that is off of the utilities companies' energy grid). Another particularly interesting item of clean-and-green energy news, late breaking on the website Information Liberation, is a report and video of the unveiling of a breakthrough, quite-cute, new fuel-cell car, that will cost $18,522.00 and less, made by Genepax Co. Ltd. of Japan, whose simplified fuel-cell/water-cell system operates on water (a bottle of water kept in the car, obviating the need for public fueling stations) and air only, with zero CO2 emissions, and that can perform as a residential energy generator that may compete with solar energy systems and support backup EV and hybrid-vehicle batteries. In addition, has profiled 5 new alternative energy vehicles, substantially improved in mileage per battery charge and maximum speed, coming to the market in 2009, some of which are pricey (but far less so than the Tesla Roadster), of which one (the Aptera) is a modestly priced three-wheeled hybrid that is claimed to get 300 mpg.

Recent research and developments in the multipath renewable energy economy reflect that its technologies are fast-paced, constantly evolving technologies that are lately making great energy productivity and efficiency strides in a short time period and its sources have enormous, nearly boundless, electrical energy generating potential. Website The Hot, a fuel-energy information news source, in a article titled Wind Power Set to Become the Leading Energy Source, cites a 1991 U.S. Department of Energy study that reported that the three states of North Dakota, Kansas and Texas generate enough harnessable wind energy to satisfy the national electrical energy needs and that a current study by a team of Stanford University engineers has determined that they have substantially more potential than to satisfy all of the national energy needs, given improvements in wind turbine technology and added harnessable off-shore wind energy potential. Another article, with the title Transparent Dyes Allow Windows to Act as Super-powerful Solar Panels, it cited reported that MIT has innovated a new transparent solar-cell dye for coating glass or plastic panes, that can act as windows or be made into windows, to concentrate solar rays to generate 10 times as much solar-electric energy than solar cells currently do, while reducing the surface area needing to be coated with solar-voltaic cells and eliminating the need for concentrating mirror and sun tracking mechanisms for capturing sun light. On 07-31-2008, KQED business news program Marketplace reported that MIT has patented and open-sourced -- for free worldwide further development and proliferation -- a solar-electrolysis technology that eliminates the need for electrical transformer boxes and minimizes the need for solar energy storage by splitting the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a container of water during the day and recombining them at night for electricity generation (a soft energy release process I rightly or wrongly conceptualize as switchable H2O molecular or molecule fission by day and fusion by night, comparable on a small scale to the astronomical energy releases in uranium-isotope atomic/nuclear or atom/nucleus fission and fusion for atomic/nuclear power generation) -- also see at the MIT News website an article titled Major Discovery from MIT Primed to Unleash Solar Revolution and read the solar section of The Presidential Forum on Renewable Energy ( reporting that more than enough solar energy reaches the Earth in an hour than the whole human population uses in a year. A complementary night and darkness-specialized clean-and-green energy technology, discussed on KQED radio 88.5's Science Friday show of 08-22-2008, called Solar Nanoantenna Energy Collectors technology, captures infrared energy in the dark and disseminates it as electricity, simplistically speaking, as best I understood it by the show's guest on the subject of this technology Professor Novak of the U.S. Idaho National Laboratory, the institution that created it. Another of this station's programs, All Things Considered, featured an NPR news-spot audio take of T. Boone Pickens, on town-hall tour, making a presentation on his primarily wind and natural-gas focused energy independence plan at a community meeting in Topeka, Kansas, on 07-30-2008, in which he clarified that he was offering his plan as a strategy for domestic energy independence and not to save the environment. He stated that he wanted wind and solar energy used for power plants to free up the natural gas they use to be used for fueling vehicles, primarily commerial trucks (why not hybridized airplanes and watercraft, too?). He added that he was in support of ANWAR and OSC (offshore coastal) oil drilling but said that he was plugging his renewable-energy plan for energy independence as there is not enough (domestic) oil for us to drill ourselves into energy independence. By his own words and reasoning, T. Boone Pickens is an incorrigible oilman and fossil-fuels bosom buddy to their end. His interest in clean-and-green energy is a matter of pragmatism and visionary profitability in the near term. If he is a strictly utilitarian capitalist of expediency to his last breath, to the fortuitous benefit of clean-and-green energy development, that is okay and so be it, but let us eschew his ANWAR and coastal preserves pro-drill oil position. Undoubtedly his investments in fossil-fuels-related stocks remain and will remain robust, as the news spot suggested that he has very large holdings of natural-gas property. (In an NPR interview with T. Boone Pickens on 11-12-2008, the latter said that due to financial reverses caused by the currently failing economy he was postponing indefinitely his project to build the world's largest wind farm, although he would still be erecting some wind turbines). For competent yet critical information on the advisability of including a mass construction program of nuclear utility plants for more electrical energy to add to the suite of renewable energy sources' effort to supplant fossil fuels as the dominant source of utilities' energy in the U.S. within the next 20 to 50 years, visit and educate yourself on this matter at the website (Nuclear Information Research Service). Since sufficient private funds are not available and being deployed to undertake such a mass construction program (licensed nuclear plants do exist throughout the U.S. and more can be built now at private expense if the private funding and will are there), most of the money, at approximately nine-billion to fifteen-billion dollars per nuclear plant, would have to be provided from taxpayer money to fund private nuclear utility-plant companies for construction alone. Senator John McCain's assertion that he knows nuclear power is safe because no nuclear submarine has had a problem in the lifetimes of the current inventory of nuclear submarines, is an abuse of language inasmuch as a nuclear submarine reactor, being a virtually micro-reactor, is in no way comparable with utility-plant nuclear reactors, which have had serious to debatably minor accidents and problems in Russia, the U.S., France, Germany and Japan, and for which the dirty and dangerous nuclear fuel is a storage and disposal problem. Also, we should not assume that no nuclear submarine has had a reactor or nuclear-fuel-related problem because no problem has been reported in the news media. By contrast, T. Boone Pickens stated in an NPR news spot on 08-11-2008 that full private funding for the alternative fuels (let's not leave out geothermal, hydrothermal and wave) takeover infrastructure and energy delivery system, circa a trillion dollars, is there -- that is, the will to do the job by the financially able and the interested private investment capital are in place (which deserve long-term municipal, state and federal tax incentive support as well as legislative, legal-code and zoning enablement).

On 08-15-2008, news that the utility company Pacific Gas & Electric (P.G.&E.), headquartered in San Francisco, CA, just signed a contract with Optisolar and SunPower companies to build for it the world's two largest solar electric power plants in San Luis Obispo, CA, to be operational by 2013 and to serve a population of 239,000 homes, posted on the online websites Scientific American ( and The Earth Times ( Earth Times reported that presently the world's largest solar power plant is a 23 megawatt plant in Spain, that a 40 megawatt solar plant is being built in Germany, and a 154 megawatt solar plant is being built in Australia, compared to one of the coming P.G.&E plants of 550 megawatts and the other of 250 megawatts (with the number of megawatts for all U.S. solar power plants totaling 473 megawatts currently and Nellis Air Force Base's 14-megawatt solar power plant in Nevada being the largest solar plant in the U.S., according to Scientific American). news on this same day reported on a highly placed central government official of Taiwan as saying in effect that not only did Taiwan produce solar technology components but that it was committed to investing NT$500,000,000,000.00 ($16,000,000,000.00 U.S.) on itself, through 2013, toward lessening its dependency on oil and gas imports, and that solar is the technology star of the future. The 07-22-2008 issue of The Guardian newspaper of the U.K. reported that the European Union is formulating plans to engage with North Africa to build a solar power supergrid in the Sahara Desert that would supply the whole of Europe's electrical needs, in a mixture of other backup clean energy sources, with 100 gigawatts of electrical energy by 2050 at an investment cost of approximately $70,000,000, 000.00 U.S.

Hoax of the Domestic Oil Self-Sufficiency "Drill, Baby, Drill!" Rant Chant -- An Obvious RNC Political-Contributions Thank-You Product Placement Ad, Courtesy of Torch Bearers of Big Oil: As regards the current crisis in punishingly high-priced gasoline, even OPEC's cooperation with the Bush Administration's request for production and sales of an abundance of more foreign oil to the U.S. to help lower prices at domestic gas-station pumps is a futile gesture in accomplishing this goal unless the greedy, stingy oilygarchy instantaneously builds numerous new oil refineries to process the additional oil and a large fleet of new oil tankers is also built to transport the additional oil, as existing oil refineries (150 in the U.S. according to the Energy Information Agency, EIA, from which the statistics come for this paragraph) and oil tankers are operating and booked to capacity worldwide. Gasoline prices most likely will fluctuate often in the short term as a result of upward and downward changes in consumer demand and commodities-market investor bids for gasoline and crude oil, with an overall upward trend in the intermediate and long terms resulting from an acknowledged critical state of depletion of worldwide extractable fossil oil reserves, despite public anger about and clamoring against high gasoline prices and the false assurances of "drill, drill, drill" hysteria-exploiting politicians and fossil-fuels- industry groupies', beneficiaries' and promoters' claims that more drilling and extraction will lower gasoline prices (implicitly) sustainably. In the context of fact the U.S. plainly cannot become energy independent by glomming onto, extracting and diminishing, and consuming more fossil oil for the simple circumstance that the U.S. does not have the fossil oil reserves to meet domestic demand, primarily vehicle demand (making for 70% of domestic fossil oil consumption), for gasoline, where daily consumption averages 20,080,000 barrels of crude oil (the oil used to make gasoline), where daily imports average 12,036,000 barrels of crude oil, where daily domestic production averages 5,064,000 barrels of crude oil, and where daily exports average 1,433,000 barrels of crude oil, with there being 20,972,000,000 barrels in "proven" crude oil reserves nationwide. The arithmetic (elementary math) shows that if the U.S. were to attempt to become fossil-oil self sufficient by drill, drill, drilling the entirety of its nationwide "proven deposits" of 20,972,000,000 barrels of crude oil, divided by its daily consumption of 20,680,000 barrels of crude oil (should the population of the U.S. and its number of motorists not increase in the decades it would take bring all of this oil to market), the oil would last (be exhausted within) no longer than 1,015 days or 2 years and 10 months. With the drill, drill, drill fossil oil extracted from the newly tapped ANWAR and the coastal sites and spread out as a supplement in an approximately daily average capacity of 225,000 barrels to the total of currently imported and domestically produced crude oil, if these did not decline and if gasoline prices stabilized, major news media fossil-fuels analysts and commentators have calculated that the price of gasoline would be lowered by two cents a gallon when the oil flow from these new production areas begins in 5 to 10 years. Be assured that in ten years and forever after, the gasoline-price hysterical American public again will be a huge joke, laughingstock and bozo for big oil, investors in fossil-fuels corporations and commodities and for retired and lobbyist-turned Washington, D.C. politicians now advocating for drill, drill, drill in pristine national wildlife preserves and marine and aesthetic coastal preserves, and cause for a big toothy grin for otherwise snickering Middle-East oil titans, especially if the U.S. alternative energy economy option for energy independence is forsaken and is still a fledgling or is miniscule. If the big oil money forces succeed with their selfist-selfish drill, drill, drill sham-patriotic fossil-fuels energy independence campaign, at the expense of ANWAR and the coasts, you can bet then that they will steer the "best in the world this and best in the world that" American public toward fossil fuels dependence on dirty-coal derived gasoline (as well as shale and tar sands), with the promise of clean coal tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow, while Bigfoot-believer, gullible Americans choke on more than cigarette smoke. Fossil oil aficionados should not fear that fossil fuel displacement from the transportation and building energy markets will result in the death of the fossil fuels market, as fossil-fuel oil will always be in high and indispensable demand for making medicines and plastic for the construction of countless products, big and small.

Scrapping of the fossil-fuels economy and transition to the clean-and-green energy economy will liberate us from our dependence on increasingly too-expensive foreign oil and the cannibalizing of our own environments for suicidal fossil fuels. It will also begin to bring about a reversal of the incidences of fossil-fuel-related ill-health effects and affliction of our atmosphere, weather and climate with smog, acid rain and catastrophic monsoons, downpours and floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, typhoons, wind storms, shear winds, scorching heat waves, lightning storms, raging wildfires, droughts, desertification, glacier and polar-cap melting/defrosting, ocean swelling and ozone breakdown as never before and where never before in our lifetimes or known in the lifetimes of our forebears.

Don't let the nut-case, big-oil-minion climate holocaust deniers and spin meisters halt or retard our embarkment into a fossil-fuels-irrelevant healthy and splendorous, new green-tech energy future, and stop them from dribbling us silly, like a basketball, for our dear habitat and money.

Public Domain (Subsequent news-related additions have been periodically made based on germane news releases)


At the Threshhold of a New Horizon of Long-range, High-speed Electric Powered Vehicles, Now

ABCNews Online and The San Francisco Chronicle newspaper reported on Monday, June 30, 2008, that Tesla Motors entered into an agreement with CA Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Treasurer Bill Lockyer to mass manufacture all-electric, long-range-battery vehicles in CA, for whose production the State of CA will purchase $100,000,000.00 in equipmement/machinery and lease it to Tesla Motors with the option for its purchase (with the $100,000,000.00 lease capitalization to be amortized -- that is, repaid in whole apart from interest accruals -- over the life of the lease), among other incentives. They reported that Tesla Motors declined a less generous, competing offer from the State of New Mexico. The first such model of Tesla Motors vehicle, the S Model, a sedan, will sell for $60,000.00 and be on the market in late 2010. Two years later a second model will be manufactured and sell for $30,000.00. If sales are good, a third, lower-priced model will be manufactured. Although Tesla Motors would be of far greater socio-economic service if it were to also license (for royalties) its all-electric, long-distance vehicle engineering to other established automakers (that also make trucks, vans, SUVs, RVs, travel trailers, trailer homes [maybe with solar panels soon], etc.), with extensive dealership networks, for the purpose of endeavoring in concert to bring about a swift transformation of the personal vehicle transportation market (and maybe of the commercial-truck, bus, tractor and big-rig transportation market segment to come -- capable of being realized with the licensing of Tesla's long-range, high-speed electric vehicle engineering to established commericial automakers Peterbilt Inc., John Deere Inc., Caterpillar Inc., GM Inc. and Ford Motors Inc. and its partnering with these for upgrading its battery drive range from 220 to 400 miles per charge with rapid rechargability -- these heavy-duty commercial vehicles might be reengineered to be flex-fuel hybrid vehicles with multiple long-distance batteries and electric-drive technology, including an automatic switch device or mechanism that would switch on as the vehicle operating battery a fully charged battery when the hitherto operating battery became significantly discharged, with the hybrid liquid or vapor fuel conserved and used for onboard reserve battery recharging service only), nonetheless the news that it will be mass producing new models of lower-priced long-distance, all-electric vehicles, still priced for wealthy and upper-middle-class buyers, reflects proactive giant steps led and trail blazed by Tesla Motors, encourged and enabled by State of CA and New Mexico technologically forward-minded and environmentally concerned political leaders, toward a solidly green-transportation-sector option in the near term (within and over the ensuing seven years). I recently heard on radio Silicon Valley techno-intellectuals, familiar with the Tesla Roadster's long-range battery or involved in its development, remark to the effect that an advanced similar type of battery with a driving range of 400 miles per charge was possible or under development but was an indefinite number of years from introduction to the marketplace. (On 09-17-2008, ABC news reported that Tesla Motors, which has raised $250,000,000.00 in private funds for mass production operations, will base its mass production facility in San Jose, CA, with the facilitation of San Jose Mayor Chuck Reid and the San Jose City Council, a facility that will create one thousand jobs locally).

Now that Tesla Motors will be manufacturing and selling new models of long-distance, high-speed all-electric vehicles on a mass scale we must support this advanced EV transportation paradigm by purchasing, and showing off, en mass, these forthcoming vehicles, as they become available, on a geometrically expanding basis, with the first market of buyers being wealthy and upper-middle-income households, for the $60,000.00, S-Model, due in late 2010; with the second market of buyers being high-end middle-income households, for the $30,000.00 unnamed model, due in 2012; and the third market of buyers being from mid-level white to pink and blue-collar households, for successive lower and low-priced models to come, whose manufacture and offerings will depend on the popularity of, demand for and sales of the $60,000.00 and $30,000.00 predecessor models. Why not have festivals, street and neighborhood parties six months following the roll out of each of the three major generations of Tesla EV models to come, to celebrate and affirm the arrival of the triumphant era of clean, green and financially stable New Horizon paradigm of transportation energy, liberating motorists from the cut-throat petroleum fossil-fuels industry and its cut-throat fossil-fuels prices? For the clean and green-minded investment community, investment in this company, if it is a publicly investable corporation, appears to be a good bet, and it seems like a profitable way of forging a new, green and clean-dominant, electric-energy transportation economy. (Unfortunately, various media news reported on 10-16-2008 that Tesla Motors has announced that its plan for delivery of its first generation of mass-market all-electric vehicles will be delayed indefinitely and on 11-13-2008 they reported that Tesla Motors is rumored to be having financial problems, despite hefty state and city financial support for its mass-production venture, that may lead it to offer itself for sale or limit itself to its original, high-priced custom, niche-market vehicle sales. -- simultaneously gasoline prices have plunged).

On July 22 or 23, 2008, ABC broadcast news reported that GMC announced it plans to sell its all-electric, plug-in Chevy Volt 2 car in 2010 and has entered into collaborations with Duke Electric and other utility companies to setup the infrastructure to support the car, including battery recharge outlets on municipal parking meters and portable recharge stations. A company spokesman stated that the company has had an advance with its battery that will permit an extended 80 mile drive on its basically local-drive 40 miles per charge, making it more than adequate for daily commuting; however, the news reports said that the car will cost between $30,000.00 and $40,000.00.

A USA Today news article, of July 21, 2008, titled 'So far, hydrogen-powered cars are fuel for thought' by Dan Vergano, reported on the progress with American fuel-cell cars in getting to market. It stated that this species of car, with respect to production by the major American car makers, would not reach the market until 2020, at the earliest, and would necessitate the cooperation of technology, government, the automakers and the public, as well as expenditures of $55,000,000,000.00 from 2008 to 2023, to get 2,000,000 of these cars on the market by 2023 compared to 253,000,000 other kinds of cars and light trucks that would be on the road at that time. There was an avalanche of reader comments on the article including the following two comments by Charles4 and c laird478:

Charles4, as the guy said who wrote the Popular Mechanics article on Genepax that I provided a link to previously, the laws of thermodynamics have not been repealed. But you go ahead and believe what you want to believe. It's your money and it's a free country and you can spend your money here any way that you want to.

c laird478, Re. the Genepax Ltd. hydrogen/water-only fuel-cell car whose prototype is market ready now, it does not require your, Popular Mechanics Magazine's, the oil and major car companies' and Amerocentric, nationalistic naysayers' permission to work as described at its website, as well as on others, and as demonstrated in its video, to be credible and desireable to the worldwide car market disaffected with the traditional fossil fuels-powered, greenhouse-gas-emitting, global-warming cars with soaring, cut-throat gas-pump prices. Until there is a consensus by neutral and independent automotive-engineering experts from throughout the industrial world showing that the Genepax Ltd. hydrogen/water-only fuel, fuel-cell car, with zero-CO2 emissions, is a hoax and a law suit is filed and successfully prosecuted against this company for fraud, I and very many other motorists of the world in want of an economical and eco-friendly car will regard the say-so of your ilk as just smoke and flames. We in the U.S. need to embrace outstanding and beneficial innovations from whomever and wherever they come -- in this case from Japan, again. This disposition, unbeknownst to so many of us, is what has made the U.S. culturally and technologically preeminent until now. The U.S. has had a tradition of assimilating people, culture and technology from throughout the world from its beginning and before to make the juicy, spicy social and technologically rich American stew. In this new era we must continue to absorb outstanding achievements from all over, all kinds and abroad without necessarily getting the outstanding people from abroad and all over. If some of our companies are stagnant parasitical slackards, outsourcers and wastrels, we need to slap them around and kick them in their butts by disinvesting in them and investing in other companies that benefit us and advance our technocracy, and serve the common good and the good of our common home Planet Earth, our common mother.

c laird478 Here's what Popular Mechanics has to say about the Genepax car (and I don't think that Popular Mechanics is in league with the 'car market');

Sorry FreedomCAR government-corporate burockcrazy project, but hydrogen (now aka water only fuel) fuel-cell cars are immediately feasible with the potential to be available for sale for under $19,000.00 and in the marketplace, at any time in the very short term, as imports from Japan thanks to Genepax Ltd. (visit Genepax). Genepax Ltd. has produced a prototype simplified hydrogen fuel-cell mini-sedan that operates on water only and that can be fueled with a bottle of water kept in the car. The company is seeking a manufacturer to mass produce the car. A video is available for viewing the car at the Genepax website. If this vehicle does not get on the market within a year or two, I must conclude that the car market is rigged against independent, serious transportation transformative innovation.

On 08-14-2008 ABC radio news carried a news spot in which it was said that GMC's Chevy Volt electric vehicle is now market ready, will be on the market as scheduled in 2010 and will get the equivalent of 150 mpg on its battery power and that the battery will last for 10 years and cost $10,000.00 to replace. It also reported that automakers will have some fuel-cell cars on the market in 2009.

A comment on a Scientific American online ( article skeptical of the delivery to the market of electric cars mentioned as offering an affordable and practical electric sedan, soon to come to market; however, although I was able to access two web addresses associated with the name goss132, there were no pictures of the vehicles referred to at the sites, nor were the company principals named or its phone or street or postal address provided. There was only promotional verbiage on the vehicles (that it will first be sold in Jacksonville and Orlando, Florida, that there will be two normal-size all-electric plug-in car models to choose from that will have a per-battery-charge range of 80 to 100 miles and a maximum speed of 80 mph, and that will each sell for less than $23,000.00,. The sites also provided e-mail contact information and pictures of a partially assembled car on an assembly line and a vacant assembly line. Investors: Caveat Emptor, until there is proof of the executive office and principals, and the facility and vehicles, including verification of good standing of the corporation or business with the Florida Secretary of State's Department of Corporations and Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Better Business Bureau, at a minimum, as well as with state and municipal business and tax authorities over the city in which the business is located.

Obama v.s. McCain Presidential Contest

08-04-2008, Fox News at the Google News site did not post the following comment made in response to its article of Barack Obama's slight lead in the polls over John McCain following the weekend (with some few minor word additions or modifications and the added reference to China and India),

"The abrupt crisis of high fuel prices at the gas pump, and the related shift in political and mass-media focus on the call for big oil's drilling of previously hands-off pristine ANWAR and offshore coastal preserves to extract oil for greater domestic production of liquid gas (gasoline) to theoretically reduce distressingly high fuel prices (caused by commodities futures investment speculators [confirmed to be the purchasers of 50% of the contracts whose commodities they did not use directly, as for and did airlines, etc.], OPEC-SAUDI oil production restraint, competition from new industrial giants China and India for fossil fuels, constant implied threats of military assault by the U.S. and Israel against strategically located, with respect to the world's largest oil deposits, and potentially retaliatory oil-flow disturptor, major oil producer nation Iran, and U.S. oil refineries, as well as all others worldwide, processing at maximum capacity), have diverted citizen and voter attention in the main to elevating the fuel crisis and high gasoline prices to the national priority issue (with overwhelmingly most households and industry directly impacted adversely by recent cut-throat gasoline prices and with voters inclined to react hostilely to these with their votes, as they drive in the majority and very many are airlines travelers) and subordinated the previously salient issue of the Bush Administration-Republican Party's inappropriately initiated and mismanaged (in squandered life, limb, property, national treasure and international good will) 5&1/2-year-old war of occupation against Iraq to one of obscurity. When the steam has dispersed from this boiling crisis and issue, the character issue between presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain will reemerge starkly: that is, Barack Obama will represent a good neighbor in the hemisphere of the Americas, a cooperative and proactive member in the family of nations and a honorable global citizen in the community of humanity, in pursuit of a safe and peaceful world, with John McCain representing a would-be continuation of a warlord, warfaring president and presidency, and battlefield champion, in his ardent and zealous campaign to be national commander, aka commander in chief (not understanding that the president is not the commander in chief of the U.S. citizenry, the Congress, governors and other public officeholders or the news media, but is the chief executive and administrator of the federal executive agencies and federal law, legislated by Congress, and commander in chief of the armed forces subject to Congressional oversight and the law of the land, being the U.S. Constitution, Congressional statute and federal judiciary rulings, and with only Congress having the authority to authorize and declare war). "

The latter (a Naval jet pilot captain prior to his Congressional career) talks so much about his almost 30-year experience as a U.S. senator and U.S. representative as qualifying him to be the better candidate for president over Senator Obama. However, look at the big picture of the war in Iraq, and not just the surge sliver (that included paying, even now, Iraqi tribal and warlord chiefs and their grunts, referred to as the Sons of Iraq, to refrain from anti-U.S. troop hostilities and assist U.S. troops in curbing anti-U.S. Iraqi freelance insurgents and al Queda belligerents) and that of Afghanistan, the culprit 9/11 Taliban-led nation -- under frail U.S. control 5&1/2 years after U.S. occupation; the in-you-face military-support corporate no-bid government-contracts cronyism in Iraq and Afghanistan; the disappearance of $8,000,000,000.00 in cash U.S. tax money, with impunity and unaccountability, sent by the Bush Administration to Iraq; the fleecing and dissipation of investors' capital and assets and employees' pensions by corporations throughout the first decade of the 21st century (where corporations, to make themselves look financially healthy and attractive to investors, used deceptive accounting practices to transfer large debts and expenses to dummy subsidiary companies to hide their true problematic financial condition), with tens of millions of dollars to hundred-million dollar-plus severance packages (golden parachutes) for terminated and resigned CEOs; the U.S. dollar's depreciation; the real estate subprime debacle and unprecedeted home foreclosures and forfeitures; the banking system fissures, crashings, bail outs and takeovers; the decline of real estate property values; the financial crippling of domestic airline and automaker companies; net mass job losses; sharply increased fuel and food prices; and the corrupt Republic presidency and longtime Republican congressional majority, lost recently; and understand the kind of leadership Senator John McCain of the Keating Five-related Lincoln S&L scandal of the late 1980s has been a party to, and gasp and recoil in horror -- in the era of the S&L business-sector corruption crash (with the S&Ls and banks bailed out of incipient insolvency with $500,000,000,000.00 [figures vary widely among credible sources from circa $144,000,000,000.00 to 1.5 trillion dollars] in corporate-socialism taxpayer money) and junk-bond ripoff scandals under a rogue Republican presidency, in which a Bush brother, Neil Bush, was a factor in the Silverado Bank failure, as well. Also, keep in mind that he is of a rash temperament out of which he has publicly uttered the word "gooks" in his first presidential bid in referring to people of Far Eastern ancestory, has publicly addressed his car-injured first wife with the expletive "c_nt" prior to his divorce from her, has voted against federal legislation for a national Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and endorsed his home state's eventually impeached former Arizona Governor Evan Mecham's cancellation of his state's observance of the federal Dr. King Jr. holiday, has recently sung "Bomb, bomb, bomb -- bomb, bomb Iran" at a political event, and has most recently opposed congressional legislation for increased, up-to-date appropriate medical and educational benefits for military veterans while routinely exhorting "Support the Troops" (a mask slogan for "support the war," not at all meaning care about and for ordinary soldiers and their families, or the jobs, businesses and homes of involuntarily active-duty conscripted Reservists and National Guardists). Flippant and obnoxious conservatives may find no fault or objection to such utterances and behavior but decent people of all ideologies do. He is highly experienced in the wrong way, Jose. Neither he nor Barack Obama has direct governing experience, nor has in recent times former Presidents Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon or Gerald Ford before taking office at the helm -- the argument of governing experience lying with John McCain is a canard; on the contrary, Wikipedia reports that Barack Obama graduated magna cum laude with a doctor of jurisprudence degree from Harvard Law School, previously having earned a B.A. degree with a specialty in international relations from Columbia University, and has an extensive mix of responsible legal, academic, foundation and corporate employment and liaisons as well as grass-roots community and social improvement and political organizing leadership and activist employment and involvement, and served as an Illinois state senator before being elected a U.S. senator. And he is no more qualified as a hero per se to be President than any of the hundreds of other American soldiers, police and firefighters who in any year survive the injuries they sustain in performing their duties in the service of the American public, including his censured critic retired General Westly Clark who was shot twice as a low-ranking, on-the-ground Army officer in the Viet Nam War but who gets no recognition or appreciation for his sacrifice and is suggested to be unpatriotic for questioning war injury or capture by war opponents as a competence qualification for holding the office of the President. Don't let us forget, as reported ironically on April 1, 2007, that Senator John McCain attempted to represent the city of Bagdad, from his visit to a marketplace or more there, as having been made peaceful, whereas objective news media pictures and videos of his visit showed him as surrounded by a phalanx of 100 U.S. soldiers with three Blackhawk helicoptors and two Apache gunships overhead and with the focused picture of his person indicating that he was wearing a bulletproof vest. In interpersonal diplomatic skills, rationality, good character, learning achievement and erudition, to start, Obama trumps McCain (who graduated fifth from the bottom of his class of 899 cadets from the U.S. Naval Academy, who crashed 3 Naval jets while in flight training in the Navy, and who, evidently, in competence benefitted little as one born into a family of military power, where his father and grandfather were four-star admirals) -- core and essential success qualities for top executive leadership. Be it known that I do not propose that either Republicans or Democrats are better or worse than each other or that I favor or disfavor either in general or overall. I judge on an individual basis, but also on changeable collective trends with a mindfulness of exceptions, both negative and positive. My learning's guiding dictum is "It does not matter so much as to who is right, but, rather, it matters foremost as to what is right; however, sometimes what is right coinsides highly with who is right."

As regards another abrupt hysteria-fanned crisis, with an outcry by the Bush Administration for emergency, can't-wait, action by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson (multimillionaire former CEO of Wall Street Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, who reportedly possesses a personal fortune of $700,000,000.00 and received an annual compensation of up to $30,000,000.00 in his late years with Goldman Sachs and whose bailout assistant is another Goldman-Sachs alumus, Neel Kashkari), that has erupted as of the week ending 09-21-2008 with the call for Paulson to be conferred discretionary authority by Congress without Congressional or court oversight to purchase bad debts and assets of corporations with an appropriation of $700,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer money to avert a purported imminent crash of the whole U.S. economy, allegedly endangered by the faltering financial services sector (a request rejected as proffered, by most of both houses of Congress, Democrats and Republics alike, but to be modified with provisions for Congressional oversights and the protection of the taxpayers' interest): This investment-bank debt and insolvency bailout, rescue and transfer program completes the transition to an American oligarchy of feudalist, cowboy, pseudo-capitalism, with the household taxpayer's subjugation and servitude to preeminent entrenched wealth and power, as embodied in the shadow rulership of an intermeshed, conjoined-twins plutocracy and corporatetocracy (the capital and big investor classes), that are the overlords of we the people, peon, idiot vassals of America -- the bulk of the taxpayers. Our tax money is being dispensed by their helmsman princeling and knights from academia, industry and politics for a stupid, unwarranted, squanderous war against and occupation of Iraq and the bungling investment brokers and managers of Wall Street and its affiliates but not sufficiently and without grudge for our own infrastructure, public schools and teachers, children, armed forces veterans, firefighters, police, public health care, unemployment and reemployment retraining, post-secondary education, disability, Social Security pensions, Medicare, etc. This is a repetitive lesson as to the myth of the honorable, self-regulable free marketplace, which is neither kosher nor free, other than being a freeloader -- so-called libertarian, or laissez-faire, capitalism is just tooth-and-claw, dog-eat-dog, each on one's own and for one's self (man, woman and child), law-of-the-wild social and economic anarchy and cannibalism, until restrained and regulated, as witnessed again and again. How ironic it is that it is the ordinary working taxpayers who are loaded with the painful burden of bailing out the Wall Street that has prodded so many American corporations into outsourcing American jobs abroad to lowest-wage nations and downsizing staff in the service of fattening the profit and loss statement's profit line/bottom line.

In addition to this bailout, Senator John McCain's proposal in the second Presidential debate of 10-07-2008 and in the days following, while he was on the campaign road, that advocates the federal government spend $300, 000,000,000.00 to buy up bad mortgages to allow default and potentially default homeowner to keep their homes, is an inefficient overlapping and duplicative tangent on the already existing Democratic Party congressional proposal that the Treasury Secretary and lending institutions get together and work to change adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) to affordable fixed rates and renegotiate mortgages to affordable levels and time terms for foreclosure endangered and susceptible subprime homeowners. Senator McCain proposes that this money be an addition to the $700,000,000,000.00 banking and lending system bailout or be subtracted from it, where the $700,000,000,000.00 toxic-debt and asset bailout is already meant for the Treasury Secretary to buy largely bummer subprime securitized bundled mortgage loans from faltering investment banks and lending institutions to return them to solvency or liquidity. Does he now want to cripple the bailout of the banking system by subtracting a huge portion of its financial rescue lifeline to divert that subtracted money to a duplicative and no less risky, direct bad-mortgage buy-up measure or to further undermine the federal government's obligation to adequately fund and render common-good, taxpayer-vested entitlement government services such as public education, Social Security retirement stipends, Medicare, disability, infrastructure, etc.? Regrettably and most probably this proposal is an insincere attempt by Senator McCain to politically exploit, and buy the votes of, the millions of desperate at-risk mortgage default homeowner-taxpayers, who are in large numbers the unfortunate suckered collaborator-victims of the subprime bad-mortgage debacle rocking our financial system.

Joe the Plumber Scam (or Shill?) and the Noblesse-Oblige Tax Increase on High Income: Sen. McCain's criticism of Sen. Obama's Noblesse-Oblige tax proposal in the final 2008 Presidential Debate of 10-15-2008 using the bogus Joe the Plumber, really Joe Wurzelbacher (who it turns out is not a licensed plumber at the age of 34 or self employed, nor, as such, could earn more than a fraction of the increase-in-tax threshold income of $250,000.00 proposed by Sen. Obama and who is a Republican and owes delinquent county property taxes on his home in Ohio), reflects how financially insulated and out of touch Sen. McCain is, who (with his multimillionaire heiress wife, worth more than an estimated $100,000,000.00, and who reportedly wore a Marie Antionette-esque $300,000.00 dress at his nomination event at the Republican Presidential Nominating Convention in August) has good reason to be personally concerned about increased taxes on the couple's large incomes, the taxes on the living trusts of their adult children, and on his own and his wife's future large decedent estates (privatized hand-me-down welfare doled from the family-forebears' fortune) -- taxes on the latter deceitfully referred to as "death taxes" by wealth guardian organizations such as The Cato Institute, The Heritage Foundation, The Hoover Institute and The American Enterprise Institute when they really are inheritance taxes on decedent estates with a fair market value of $4,000,000.00 or more, not on the alleged small family farm. To the large majority of ordinary American income earners, both employees and small business entrepreneurs, an annual household or taxable income of $250,000.00 easily translates into affluence, inasmuch as this threshold income breaks down to an average weekly household income of $4,808.00 ($250,000.00/52 weeks in a year) or an average monthly income of $20,833.00 ($250,000.00/12 months in a year), of which one week's household income is capable of paying the monthly mortgage on a million-dollar home. Those who make such good income should be thrilled to be free to have such income and above and be happy to pay larger taxes as a demonstrated expression of appreciation of and debt for enjoying the splendor and majesty of our technologically, culturally and organizationally great society that particularly characterize their life circumstances from housing and attire, to nutritional, medical and child care, transportation and travel, education, significant social and political contacts, bonds and privileges , special economic opportunities, and deference, pampering and self indulgence galore, that are largely bestowed on these by the talents, education, knowledge, training, skills, labor and services of the taxpayer majority ordinary citizens of America and migrant workers, as well as by the products and raw materials of nature. Taxes are and have always been the essential, inescapable price paid for civilization (or civil, civilized society), which by taxes establishes government (organized public authority) that confers and evolves law, fairness and justice, regulation and economic, social and political order, and military security and societal infrastructure. Private property and wealth exist only at the discretion, beneficence, observance and enforcement of government and the cooperation of the populace; they are not entitlements or natural or inherent endowments or legacies. When populations are overrun and governments are vanquished, the preexising property and wealth claims and rights of the vanquished are extinguished or are retained to the extent permitted by the organized victors -- for current confirmation, ask the deposed and purged once ruling Baathist and Sunni classes of Iraq and the surviving remnants of the recently toppled Saddam Hussein ruling family and regime. Thus, "much is expected of those who have much" -- that is, "noblesse oblige." Sen. McCain's millionaire heiress wife did little to acquire or deserve her wealth, like very many others of her born-rich, narcissistic, parasitical economic class, apart from having had the right family heritage or connection/s, yet it is too often people of their economic class and background who rail against taxpayer-vested government entitlement services but who expect our police and military to provide safety and enforcement services for their homes, property, valuables, businesses, persons, families and financial interests domestically and abroad, and who utilize for their commerce and enterprise public land and resources at minimal expense to themselves, and infrastructure created primarily with ordinary taxpayer and citizen tax money and labor -- those who enjoy disproportionate wealth and disproportionately enjoy or are in a position to enjoy the amenities and benefits of society should be (dis)proportionately taxed on the acquisition of every bit of that wealth (in other words, "Those who disproportionately benefit from society are disproportionately indebted to society"). Any talk of fair taxation on themselves commensurate with their large incomes, they, in large numbers, virtually always selfishly and self-centerdly criticize as that of socialism, redistribution of wealth from the top to the middle and bottom, and class warfare, but not ordinary taxpayer bailouts of their haywire investments and investment systems as a redistribution of wealth from the middle and bottom to the top.

One of the major criticisms of Obama's political platform is that the effect of a hike in the capital gains tax on the investment income of those with annual taxable incomes above $250,000.00 will be that they will have less money and less to spend and so less to invest, resulting in a worse business downturn with fewer jobs, with the illogical extension of this being that if there were no taxes on the affluent and rich, or no taxes at all for everyone, everyone would have more money to spend and everyone would be better off with no road and highway, tunnel, bridge, dam, reservoir, strategic petroleum. airport and air- traffic-control, shipping-port, sewage, water and electrical infrastructure, no national defense, no food, water, air, soil, product, construction and occupational safety inspectors/inspections, no pollution or toxic contamination control, no Food and Drug Administration, no Center for Disease Control and Prevention or National Health Institute or public hospitals or clinics or mental institutions or jails and prisons, no courts and judges, no federal, state and district attorneys, no police, no firefighters, no public schools, including colleges and universities, and teachers and professors, no public libraries, no NASA or space program, no street sweepers or public garbages or sidewalks, no public national, state and local parks, no public mass transit or rail, no Social Security pensions (but instead shaky Wall St. investment-funds pensions), no Medicare or Medicaid or legally obligatory employer-sponsored health insurance (relating to mid-size and large employers), no unemployment compensation, no employment-related injury disability compensation, financed with payroll taxes, and other so on and so forth social structural attributes and functions of civilized society, and with no government to issue and enforce a common currency. In actuality, those who have a strong appetite for money will not stop or generally curtail investing or engaging in enterprise to acquire it as a consequence of increased taxation, based on the simple logic of survival and prosperity reality in a capitalist society and the historical record. Under the President Clinton Adminstration, capital gains taxes were at their highest in recent times and the economy performed at its best all-around in comparison to the administrations of preceding presidencies, including that of Ronald Reagan. Until the Reagan Administration, for decades the tax rate (in the context of the income-based progressive U.S. income tax system -- graduated tax on rising taxable income brackets) for the highest tax bracket, was 87.2 percent on every dollar in taxable earnings exceeding an annual $200,000.00, yet neither did the financially upward mobile nor the wealthy cease or curtail their investing nor was there a lessening of corporate and other business startups and activity overall. Why? Because in order to survive or for a materially higher quality of life or standard of living sufficient money is required in a civilized capitalist society and the higher the quality of life or standard of living and material and financial security sought, the more in money is required, regardless of the tax rate. Moreover, those who command large amounts of money are compelled to invest it, since they cannot reasonably personally store or hide it, without the risk of its loss through discovery and theft, extortion or calamity, and to preserve their principal against depletion from spending as well as to sustain its real value under permanently ongoing depreciation over the ravages of naturally creeping inflation, increasing costs of living and time -- the basic tenants of wealth maintenance being to spend less than one earns, or to have financial obligations/expenses lower than one's income (that is, to live below one's means), and to constantly secure earnings on and enlarge principal through investment, to never spend principal, and to live on or spend a fixed percentage of the earnings ( the sum of interest, dividends, profits, royalties, rents, capital gains from asset appreciation upon sale of the asset/s) on principal (fixed percentage draw or allowance from investment earnings), increasible in stages, to a final limit, later in life, with the gross draws from earnings on principal automatically growing despite the fixed percentage take as the principal grows with accruals from the other percentage part of "earnings" on principal recycling to principal in a continuous compounding of principal or in a compounding-like manner to principal.

Disgraced former military celebrity, retired Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff Chairman and resigned Secretary of Defense Colin Powell as well as Senator McCain, himself, have spoken out against the vocal outrages (yells of "He's a terrorist," "He's an Arab!," "Kill him!,") of some of these virulent, fanatical RepubliKKKaners/AmeriKKKaners -- not to be confused with decent, fair-minded constitutional Republicans and opposition Americans -- against Senator Obama, who represent themselves to be patriots and patriotic but show themselves indeed to be hatetriots and hatetriotic, all in their probable obsession with maximizing their wealth and minimizing their taxes, and scaring off or inciting injury or the death of "that one" who would dare to disturb this obsession.

Household income includes gross income from wage and salary paychecks, investments, royalties, capital gains and/or net business income (draws on business income from gross business income minus cost of goods sold and returns and all deductible business-related and operating expenses).

The absence of a special-rate noblesse-oblige tax on high income and such inheritance tax on large decedent estates will inevitably eventuate in a permanent and distilled self-entitling, privatized-welfare, hereditary wealthy snob class, as much a menace to our, ideally speaking, egalitarian Constitutional democratic-republic as was militant, international cold-war communism, and result in a society with a small class of haves and huge class of have-nots rife with sprawling slums and shantytowns, like in third-world nations, populated with the full spectrum of ethnic and racial groups scrambling and brawling over economic crumbs. To those who exclaim to the effect that they or their money would better off in whatever other nation with wealth friendlier or more lenient tax policies and laws, let us encourage these sham patriots, whose true ultimate allegiance is to wealth and money, to go to that elsewhere and not come back and thereupon tax their big money to a wilt as they electronically transfer it, invest it abroad and/or carry it with themselves, even in check form (we'll give them a new, after-tax gold-leaf check). I do not condemn, or suggest the outlawing of, privatized, inherited family- fortune welfare, as it is more of a benefit than harm to society in socially imparting many of its recipients (the born affluent/rich) with an excellent or outstanding arts, technical, scientific and financial education, affording them the mental and material resources for their freedom from want that permits them to think expansively and deeply and endeavor creatively to an extent not possible for financially ordinary others, and the capital to invest in new industry and innovations of their own and others and to engage in philanthropy, all hopefully in significant contribution to the common good. We can well do with both private and public support and facilitation of human and social development and betterment and the advancement of knowledge, science and technology, for the greater good of the whole (with sufficient and lasting public and private scholarships and grants to intellectually gifted but financially dependent and vulnerable math and sci-tech individuals in graduate to post-graduate education, particularly to those engaged in [ethically tempered] significant research and development projects and studies). The right to devolve private wealth -- that is, provide privatized welfare -- to one's loved ones, and cherished projects and institutions also adds incentive to those who acquire wealth in innovating and providing products and services to society, to the enrichment and advancement of society.

Here is a another in a string of McCain Presidential Campaign outrages without a doubt meant to shock and horrify the public and sully the Obama Campaign: Ashley Todd, (a physically unattractive) white female McCain-Palin campaign operative and student from Texas working for the campaign in Pittsburgh, PA , claimed on Thursday, 10-23-2008, that she was robbed, while leaving an ATM for her car, of $60.00, then was beaten, had the letter "B" cut into her cheek with a dull knife and had her breasts fondled by a 6 ft. 4 in. black man for displaying political paraphernalia showing that she was a McCain-for-President supporter. She recanted her story made in an admittedly false police report, under police questioning, the next day, 10-24-2008, during which police were suspicious of the backward "B" cut into her face, that looked like it was cut by Ashley Todd while she looked in a mirror. Nevertheless she played the mental problems card and claimed that she did not know how the "B" got cut into her face or why she made up her false story -- s u r e! Outraged conservative media talk show hosts raged about the claim until it was recanted the next day, a day on which a black man in Paris, TX was dragged to death by 2 white men in a pickup truck -- could there be a cause-and-effect (action-reaction)
connection between the two incidents?

McCain has a serious political psychosis affliction with his campaign in the Joe-the-Plumber hoax (an unlicensed plumber/plumber-helper employee at the age of 34, with delinquent county property taxes on his house, who would as a plumber's helper earn a fraction of the yearly $250,000.00 composite pre-income-tax wage, investment and net-business household income that is the threshold amount for increased tax on high-come taxpayers) still parading as representing small businesses; the virulent, fanatical "He's a terrorist!, He's an Arab!, Kill him!" shouts at McCain-Palin campaign rallies; the innuendo alluding to guilt by association and proximity, in referring to Barack Obama's involvement in two community improvement projects with the notorious Dr. Bill Ayers, professor of education, where they reside in the same Chicago community, that involved a host of other notable Republican and Democrat social and political figures, and a personal relationship, that is nonexistent according to Obama and Obama associates, between him and Dr. Ayers of the Viet Nam War Era Weather Underground war-protest student bombings and Obama (when Obama was 8 years old); innuendo alluding to guilt by association on the part of Obama, who once as an attorney represented the ACORN voter promotion non-profit organization, in the recent ACORN-related voter registration misconduct by some few ACORN canvassers, apparently attempting to earn extra money by submitting falsified registration forms, which was reported to public authorities by ACORN higher ups; and now a perennial, new deja vu Susan Smith-like racially charged, fabricated black-man transgression against a zenophobic, diabolical, mendacious but confessed RepubliKKKaner Ashley Todd, attempting to rescue a kaput, futile McCain presidential bid. Demonstrably, it is McCain, Palin and party who will say and do a n y t h i n g for McCain to secure the U.S. Presidency. What comes next and next and next from this nut camp?

On 11-04-2008 Senator Barack Obama, D-IL, was decisively elected the 44th President of the United States, having received both a majority of the popular vote (52.75%, or 67,657,724 votes, to Senator John McCain's, R-AZ, 45.90%, or 58,862,563 votes) and the electoral vote (365 electoral votes to Senator McCain's 173 votes) and Senator Joseph Biden, D-DE, was likewise elected Vice President over Vice-Presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin, R-AK. President-elect Obama's top agenda: Rescue and repair of the U.S. economy (including a second economic and taxpayer stimulus package and a tax reduction for taxpayers with a household taxable year's income of less than $250,000.00), rehabilitation and modernization of the nation's infrastructure, promotion of and financial support for a domestic green industry and jobs economy, the scaling down and vacating of the war in and military occupation of Iraq, policies for universal national health care/insurance, closure of the stateless-combatants extreme-rendition detention center at Guantanamo U.S. Naval Base, Cuba, exploratory dialogue with adversarial nations for possible detente and peaceful mutual accommodation.

The bad propaganda and disinformation right-wing and Naderian echo machines are already at work on the attack against President-elect Barack Obama, almost two months before he is to be sworn in as the new President. Their activists are respectively falsely and cynically stating that 1). he will activate the military draft; 2). he is against the federal Constitution's second amendment citizens' rights, as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, to own guns for home protection and hunting; 3). he is against the federal Constitution's fourth amendment right of citizens' protection against illegal searches and seizures (searches and seizures not based on probable cause and court issuances of warrants, subpoenas, writs); 4). he is not really for the change he based his presidential campaign on and is recycling for his administrative and cabinet staff familiar Democratic Party public officials and staff of the Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter Presidencies, whereas although he is offering top executive branch jobs to such staff who have the economic and administrative credentials and successful experience to immediately be in a position to competently deal with the grave economic and security issues challenging the U.S. at this time, he is also sure to appoint highly credentialed and competent outsiders from academia, the executive services and echelons of the federal bureaucracy and military, state and municipal elective office and their staffs, and the private sector (business, think tanks as well as NPC/O) to serve as deputy, assistant, protege, trainee and intern leadership personnel, as well as directly to top agency positions as practical and appropriate; and 5). some are calling the current G.W. Bush Presidency-related economic collapse and recession the Obama recession.

Be on guard against John Hofmeister, former CEO of Shell Oil Company, who is now leading the organization Citizens for Affordable Energy. He is campaigning for exploitation of all-inclusive sources of energy, paying homage to renewable sources but emphasizing that the U.S. has virtually endless sources of fossil fuel energy, when fuel extraction from shale and tar sands is taken into consideration, while according no regard to the environmental and health hazards of long-term continued industrial and consumer use of fossil-fuels energy. What is to be expected from an oil man, although his hands figuratively may be covered with green gloves?

And how amusing it is that gasoline-at-the-pump prices have plunged to circa $2.00 on average in late fall from $4.00 and above per ga. for the summer and most of the fall of 2008, as American gas-hog vehicle sales have also plunged, despite reductions in petroleum production, so much as to have driven American automakers to the brink of bankruptcy and begging for alms at the feet of Congress -- that is, for corporate socialism. Nevertheless, we cannot be naive; we cannot be stupid. It is imperative that government -- whether federal, state or local, or all -- be the lender or subsidizer-partner of last resort for these national security integral and indispensable domestic manufacturing enterprises, which constitute the national vehicle industry, which at anytime it may be necessary to conscript for national defense, just as government must be the guarantor for the viability of the domestic airlines and aircraft manufacturers and for shipping and rail lines and manufacturers that also are domestic national security and strategic assets. Such support must be provided with prudence and the interest of national security and the benefit of taxpayer money and American vehicle consumer in mind. U.S. automakers must start supplying American consumers with long-distance, plug-in charge electric and plug-in charge, high-mileage flexi-fuel hybrid vehicles in the very short term as a condition for government financial support by installment distribution loans tied to progress in the production of these types of vehicles, regardless of how low economically unstable and perilous yo-yo gasoline prices fall.

Misappropriation of My Web Address by Address Infringer for Commercial Siphoning of Visitor Traffic: In the early morning of 10-19-2008 while I attempted to access my blog through various search engines, the website Vxxdxxe Research repeatedly automatically generated in association with my blog's web address. I researched this name under various complaint web postings and a warning by, Steven Albright. I left the following posting on this latter website:

"The website Vxxdxxe shows up when my blogs web address,or its alternate capitalismwitha, is keyed in the Google, Yahoo or other search engines, bypassing my blog entirely. Vxxdxxe has somehow hijacked my web address and is feigning integrity in its theft use of my blog name Capitalism with a Conscience while apparently luring, tricking and ripping off people. The good will and substance of my blog and its name can be viewed by keying in my most updated blog web address of into the explorer "e" slot at the top of the web page. If you are able, please advise me as to how I can disconnect Vxxdxxe from my web address and how I can sue Vxxdxxe for fraudulent misappropriation of my blog name and address -- my blog host is Google, which is unresponsive to complaints concerning its blog operations. My blog is highly political at its middle and, particularly, end, to the disadvantage of the Sen. John McCain Presidential Campaign. In light of this, the misappropriation of my web address may be a political attempt to dead end traffic attempting to access my blog. You may share and publish this comment."

After I received an email reply from and mouse clicked on a web address it provided to permit it to provide me with further emails to answer my questions and confirm my receip of the given email the morning of 10-19-2008, I checked the search engines again with my blog web address and the Axxdzze website did not appear nor did any results.