Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rick Perry’s 20% Flat Federal Income Tax, Plus the Other Similar GOP Such Plans — Another Class-Warfare Giant Tax Cut for the Wealth Class

Governor Rick Perry’s 20% Flat Tax, Plus the Others — Another Class-Warfare Giant Tax Cut for the Wealth Class

2011 OCTOBER 30
Posted by AofL
Republican Governor Rick Perry’s 20% Flat Income Tax Plan, & others, posing to reform the current messy Federal Income Tax Code/System, loop-holed with tax breaks & escape provisions to a moon of Swiss cheese by Congress & special-interests lobbyists, is/are a ruse & far worse than the current system.
Perry’s flat tax plan & Republican candidate former U.S. Congressman & Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s resurrected, newly announced, on 10-25-2011, even lower 15% flat income tax plan (years ago an idea) are monkey-see, monkey-do, follower-the-leader, tax-reform plans intended to compete with Republican retired, rags-to-riches, millionaire-businessman Herman Cain’s predecessor 9-9-9 tax reform plan of this campaign round fabulously popular with Republican voters (the designation 9-9-9 refers to a 9% national [federal] flat income tax on persons, a 9% national sales tax and a 9% national flat income tax on corporations, amounting to an 18% federal overall income-and-spending tax on individuals [inclusive of non-corporate businesses] & corporations). The substance of the Perry & Gingrich plans is similar, but significantly differs on their tax rates, explaining why odious Gingrich has sprung from nearly the last place Republican presidential candidate to 3rd place, behind former MA governor Mitt Romney, in first place, & Cain, in second place (the latter under a cacophany of sexual-harassment character-assault charges in the mass media).  
Any alternative federal income tax system to a progressive tax system apportioning level of tax to level of income, such as we have, be it a federal national sales tax or flat federal income tax, is a sweetheart dream tax idea from the miserly wealthy for a giant tax-cut benefit for the Scrooge, screw you!, wealth class, at the expense of the common-good government programs & services for everyone else.
All three Republican tax-reform plans constitute class warfare for the wealth class because they benefit the wealth class to the overall & net economic & public services & works sufferance of the middle & under classes, as well as of U.S. society in general, to pay for them, as explicated in the following analysis & commentary. The current highest federal rate of tax on income, on the highest income earners, is 35%, scheduled to increase to 39.6% in 2013, when the extension on the Bush-II Administration tax cuts expire. The lowest tax rate, on the lowest income earners subject to tax, is 10%, with no scheduled increase in 2013. Under any of the Republican proposed federal income tax reform plans the highest-taxed highest income earners would receive a tax cut of 43% (under the Perry plan) or more (under the Cain & Gingrich plans) on their taxable earned income, not counting tax cuts on inheritances worth ten of millions of dollars & above to billions of dollars they may receive, whereas the bottom tax-rate income earners & low-income earners would experience giant federal tax increases (percentage-wise) or taxation they were exempt from because of their poverty-level incomes.  While they campaign to reduce the tax rates on the wealthy by income-tax-reform proposals for a changeover to federal flat & sales taxes, the Republicans are also unified in hectoring & attempting to negotiate the Democratic Congress members & President into making permanent the extended Bush-II-Administration giant tax cuts for the wealthy. 
No tax reform system will be able to do away with a tax investigation & collection force for enforcement of tax-paying compliance as, like under the current miscellaneous tax systems (business & consumer sales taxes, & excise, property & income taxes) at municipal, state & the federal levels, there are & will be tax evaders, tax noncompliers (including businesses that collect but keep the taxes & black market & informal businesses that disregard taxes & the tax systems, antitax-system believers & tax dissidents or protesters objecting to taxes being used to fund wars of aggression and so forth) & tax delinquents (those who default in paying over or paying taxes because of financial management problems, negligence & procrastination).
A national sales tax system or a significant reliance on such a system as the primary source of tax revenue by the federal or a state government, in a combined federal & all-local sales-tax scenario, would most likely give rise to, in many or most venues, a difficult-to-control, tax-free black market economy for every kind of good & service in advantaged competition with licensed & tax compliant mainstream businesses, undermining these & subjecting them massively to failure. It would likely take a large totalitarian-size undercover tax collection force to fight a no-win, very expensive (possibly unprofitable) war against this rival black market economy that would be a temptation to consumers generally & highly popular with them for its low prices & easy-to-escape taxes, as people react to this bad tax psychology with sticker shock & tipping-point ire to up-front, in-your-face abrupt & frighteningly larger retail purchase bills top heavy with now compound local & federal sales taxes on every purchase, with these sales taxes making up & adding circa 20-25% in added charges to every walk-in, mail-order & internet mainstream-store purchase bill.  This bad income tax psychology in the form of a national sales tax would markedly blunt major-item real-estate, road-vehicle, aircraft, watercraft, equipment, appliance & furniture sales permanently (especially of real estate, road vehicles, aircraft, watercraft & certain commercial equipment required by law to be registered with government registry offices) — based on the psychological proposition that it hurts worse to lose significantly more of what you actually see & have (your personal funds & greater indebtedness from on-hand credit-card & loan spending), especially constantly, than what you don’t actually see & have presently (your forthcoming paychecks or alternatively after-taxes net pay) & that you receive periodically, associated with significantly lower points-of-sale, local-only sales taxes. “Oh oh no!, Absolutely no and not!,” the libertarian flat taxers would say. “We can’t have this, 20%+ sales taxes on real estate, motor vehicles, yachts, personal aircraft, appliances and expensive, high-end upper-crust artwork and jewelry” (already annoyingly expensive for even the rich), and so forth. Ah hah, and so the tax breaks and loopholes start over and begin again under the flat tax regime, predictably, as expected!
Taxes are the cost & fare we pay for a high-quality-of-life, advanced civilization. What has made the U.S. socially highly stable, great & able to respond to & compete with continuous economic, technological & military challenges from other nations heretofore has been the U.S. system of public schools & mass education (that has worked & works for many while not for many others — a school system that has become an example for mass education adopted by many nations, including nations that are our economic & technological competitors), public & private trade & technical schools, elite science & engineering higher education & such public institutions, the universality of libraries, (altogether respectively continuously supplying highly-developed brainpower & valuable fresh knowledge & skills to industry, government & society generally); commitment to & requirement & support for infrastructure (schools, the armed forces & Coast Guard & their installations & schools, the transcontinental & southern railroad systems for the comparatively rapid & efficient transportation of commercial, consumer freight on a mass scale, compared to transport-obsolete horses & wagons, & often ships & trucks; national electrification for powering artificial lighting & plug-in electrical appliances as well as telecommunications; roads & state & federal interstate highway systems, dams, shipping ports & airports, & aircraft & road-vehicle traffic control; universal residential & commercial plumbing & sewage systems; regulated openness to immigration here of particularly healthy, entrepreneurial & educated and skilled people from all parts of the world contributing to our society’s unique nature as an oasis of cultural & intellectual eclecticism & revolutionary creative & innovative fusion & synergy; bureaucracy & laws protecting common people, real & personal property, communities & health & safety, public order, the currency & banking system, business, & intellectual property with patents & copyrights in reward of talent & creativity; public employment development & skills centers; aid to the unemployed & disabled; guaranteed pensions & health care for the elderly; & more).  Amusingly, it should come as no surprise to us that with the succession of giant tax cuts on the affluent & rich starting with the Reagan Administration in the 1980s the cost of once free & cheap public higher education has soared, along with oppressive college-student indebtedness, resulting in a domestic shortage of hard-sciences & engineering Ph.D.s & in SciTech industries resorting to importing from & outsourcing abroad employment of available & needed Sci-Tech educated talent to fill the domestic SciTech educated talent shortage, often conveniently far less expensive educated talent from technically & industrially developing nations in mainly south Asia & the Far East of Asia. If & when any of these underpinnings of our civilization, inclusive of the social safety net, is sacrificed or critically weakened by tax defunding in the giving of giant or cumulatively giant tax cuts to the rich, our nation will eventually, in the near term, cease to be sufficiently competitive with the best competitor nations & our civilization will deteriorate & degrade socially and economically for a critical mass of the population, & possibly implode. 
Always at the top of the heap of the trash talkers against the government social safety net, particularly Social Security retirement & Medicare-Medicaid health care, are the lifetime financially over-secure millionaires & billionaires — supported by their think-tank, lobbyist, politician, publication & broadcast media propaganda power structure — who don’t need it, &, resenting it, don’t want to pay taxes for masses of others in society who need it. Broadcast media conservatives Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Pat Buchanan, Glenn Beck, & their ilk, are corporate-made millionaire trash-talking, class-warfare broadcasters for unfettered U.S.-corporate & wealth-class investor monopoly & militarily-protected & advanced imperial worldwide free-for-all marketplace capitalism; they are hireling, mercenary mouth guns & cannons. Similar propagandistic, articulate trash- & vitriol-talking former politicians (like nutty & miscreant professor, glib Newt Gingrich) may be given crony jobs making them millionaires, too, as may be some occasional, rare such minority group individual (like inarticulate news-media-circus-buffoon Herman Cain) who verbally flagellates his or her low-status & socially widely demeaned and marginalized minority group with members, disproportionately in percentage relative to the size of their minority group as opposed to head-count numbers relative to other racial & ethnic groups, receiving housing support, aid to families with dependent children & food stamps from government — how dare Herman Cain endorse the Republican presidential candidacy of repetitive big-time moral & ethics hypocrite & U.S. House leadership ethical outcast & pathological omnibus bigot & demagogue Newt Gingrich, who, when he was speaker of the House, attempted circa 1994 to whip up a national lynch mob frenzy against black people per se, by implication, based on the alleged but false charge that “a” black man had carjack-kidnapped the children of Susan Smith, until the car was found crashed in a river with the children drowned in it & Susan Smith confessed to the drowning of her children when her story of the carjacking and kidnapping fell apart under police questioning of her!. The financially elite snob class & their think-tank, publication, broadcast, lobbyist, politician & political officeholder, & public-speaker propaganda power structure (network) continuously trash talk & campaign against government, & needy financially low- & non-achievers receiving government assistance, & their faults but downplay, disregard & focus no attention on the deficiencies & misdeed of most & major mainstream industries & business (fossil-oil CO2 pollution, spills & contamination, wild-life kill offs, scenic coastal & water-body blight & fishery & coastal recreational & tourist business disruption & destruction; NG [natural gas] -fracking contamination of agricultural & community water tables & land; nuclear power plant leaks, environmental susceptibility, malfunctions & contamination, & long-life nuclear-waste indisposability & radioactive threat to the environment, wild life & humans; coal mining & plant pollution, coal-mine explosions & cave ins & environmental contamination; unsafe & injurious products & unsafe & injurious, irresponsible & unscrupulous business & medical practices; & rampant business & investment services & stock-market failure, disasters, predation & debacles, to the detriment of public entity & employee, educational-institution, company & industry worker 401(k) pensions, modest-cash private individual & such elder-citizen investors). At the same time they call for stock-market investment of Social Security pensions (after repeated credit-union & banking system corruptions & scandals of respectively the 1980s & late first decade of the 2000s & junk-bond & stock-market scandals & busts of respectively the 1980s & Y2K & 2008 that greatly permanently diminished & destroyed, massively, public & private-industry employee pension as well as small individual stock-market investors’ investments in the stock market), privatization of Medicare into investment in insurance companies that profit by minimizing & avoiding major expenses & major liability or expense clients (or prospective or likely such clients), privatization of government services by business, translating really into income producing corporations for major financial institutional investors & the parasitical investor wealth class, including privatization of, or services of, to the extent possible, public schools, prisons, NASA-JPL & the military. Also while calling for the gutting of the government-provided social safety net & social spending on & for America’s citizens and children, they cheer lead & advocate for a worldwide U.S. military presence & unlimited war on terrorism abroad & benevolent development (nation building or rebuilding) of Afghanistan & Iraq by corporations of the U.S. & coalition member nations at U.S. taxpayers’ expense.  Given their discretion, one day soon their corporate executives, investment strategists & staff lawyers may be the oversight escort & desk minders & advisers of generals & admirals in the Pentagon, at the headquarters of military bases, in the field & on ships & of ambassadors & military chiefs in U.S. embassies, as well as of all intelligence agency bosses & top science staff of federal regulatory agencies – bigger than the big brother  imagined with foreboding by political-nightmare writer & visionary George Orwell & something that was under way in its beginning stage during the Bush-II/Cheney Administration.
What the financially elite snob class calls class envy & class warfare on the part of the middle & under classes is reciprocally viewed by the middle & under classes as socially privileged & specially entitled snob class contempt & spite for & class warfare callousness by the arrogant snob wealth class toward the middle & under classes & their economic & socially upward mobility (like low- cost & free SciTech education & employment-skills training) needs & aspirations. If our society wants an abundance of affordable, financially satisfied & happy world-class competitive, hard-sciences outstanding doctors, dentists, nurses, physicists, engineers, mathematicians, chemists, biologists, geologists, meteorologists, computer and information science techs, etc., to overcome the native-born shortage of SciTech college & university graduates & Ph.D.s to pioneer new, novel, unforeseeable SciTech innovation & industries & to supply  industry sufficiently with these permanently, SciTech-tracked college/university student education by official policy should be very low cost in general & free for those scoring 85% in the average of each separately objective tests & regurgitative, applied knowledge & concepts written tests, with no score for the ended school semester or quarter of less than 75%, without regard to letter grades & not based on statistical classroom, department or student body grading curves. Students carrying a full-load course of study, with a majority of courses in SciTech & maintaining numeral scores in all classes of 95% & above, should by official policy earn tax-free free books & school supplies & such stipends for free housing & meals on (set-asides) or off campus. When the cost of higher education is too high, oppressive & debt enslaving, many cognitively exceptionally- & well-endowed &  functional middle-class & under-class people, particularly young people, well educated at the high-school level, otherwise potentially highly beneficial to society by virtue of their natural high-level cognitive capability or brainpower, may be financially shut out of higher education, or being financially desperate or in financial despair, may forego, straggle through or long delay for a goodly number of years or for several or more decades a higher education. Many of the smart & technically or administratively achieved educated people of middle and under class origin one might know, including doctors, dentists, elite surgeons, physicists, scientists of all kinds, engineers, science & technology company CEOs, etc., might not have their education, credentials & valuable & lucrative knowledge & skills if they had not been educated in the era of low to moderate cost public higher education during the 1960s into the 1990s (most of the achievers who were college or university educated during the public-higher-education very-cheap 1950s & before are retired or deceased).
Inexpensive public education open to all comers in large part acts as a sieve for sorting out high efficiency information-processor & conceptualizer people; fast, capacious &/or durable learners & such intellectual-performance adapters; & disciplined, deep & creative thinkers, developing these academically to the best of their capability, particularly in SciTech disciplines to the ongoing technological progress & industrial & economic champion-class competitiveness of our nation internationally, in addition to our nation’s like academic international competitiveness inasmuch as the graduates from this system would continuously produce the educationally most highly developed teachers & college/university professors possible from generation to generation. Many comers who may not be top SciTech learners & performers or who may not succeed in higher education initially, may have a unique or special cognitive gift or multiple gifts (manifested as a striking level of capability, independent of the speed of its development or expression, or such facility for its acquisition in a high quality state) & succeed at their own pace or on a later try when they are functionally or circumstantially ready, or may be latent learners who leave higher education early with latently evidenced valuable learned know-how or skill roots that may serve them & others well, nevertheless. In recent decades, when public higher education was inexpensive & open to all comers at the junior or community college level & to most academically qualifying for public universities (qualifying with respect to high-school or junior-college grade-point-average & SAT-score criteria), take-all-comers junior colleges and universities for the academically prepared & qualified for matriculation to a university served as very important pillars of what is termed the American meritocracy (not uncontaminated by organizational & partisan party politics as well as religious, gender and race/ethnicity bias), in which university professor selection & job tenure, government-civil-service & corporate-career achievement were overwhelmingly based (with some bias) on job application testing, educational background & credentials, on-the-job performance & accomplishments, performance ratings by superiors and sometimes, where appropriate, internal-entity job change or advancement tests.  When the collective quality & integrity of the U.S. SciTech intelligencia & technocracy of the U.S. meritocracy are sacrificed & undermined for the sake of tax cuts for the wealth class & the minimization of expenses & maximization of U.S.-based corporate & other business profits from global operations, at significant cost to fellow Americans & our society, in the furtherance of  maximized wealth for the wealthy, at a minimum oligarchical capitalism will have, or has, trumped democratic capitalism for our nation & our nation will have, or has, ceased to produce  human performance as well as products & services on the champion competitive world-class level & will cease to harness & realize its own greatest potential in collective brainpower & the highest realizable quality of its products & services, rendering our nation’s workforce technologically, industrially and commercially uncompetitive in net effect with the SciTech-industrial best educated & trained workforces among the workforces of other nations of the world.
Noblesse Oblige:  Much is required of those who have much.  In an absolute sense, personal or private wealth owes itself to and is derived from the overall natural and social sources and girding providing for its acquisition and preservation.  Private wealth is maintained, preserved and protected by social institutions, relationships, innovations (including weapons) that draw from the communal legacy of innovations & body of knowledge & skills that preceded them as well as from natural resources & the laws of nature, & by human law & law enforcement (judicial, police and military) & thereby has a permanent indebtedness & obligation to society, substantially in the form of taxes commensurate with level of wealth or income, or benefit from inherently communal natural resources (grant deeds or land grants, licenses, patents, copyrights, contracts & other claims on nature & the derivations of nature & human nature are conferred, or acknowledged & honored, & enforced by government, be it the pack, gang, tribe, militia, warlordship, community, ruler, crown, head of state, legislature, hegemon or other).  Bill Gates Sr. (a Washington State attorney & the father of famous Bill Gates) has written & lectured on this as well as has a number of prominent public intellectuals & economists, including U.C. Berkeley professor of economics & public policy Robert Reich, Labor Secretary in the Clinton Administration, & Harvard professor of Law Elizabeth Warren, an expert on bankruptcy & consumer law, formerly with the Obama Administration, campaigning in a U.S. senatorial contest to replace incumbent Tea-Party Republican Senator Scott Brown as U.S. senator for MA. If a victorious domestic revolutionary government or invasion military government confiscates &/or abolishes (nullifies or does not recognize, honor or uphold title to or in, etc.) the wealth of denizens holding it & changes the money (like the U.S. did significantly in Iraq & NATO-supported victorious rebels just did significantly in Libya), poof, like magic, it’s gone for those folks or the affected (sometimes selectively liquidated or uncirculated, or annihilated en masse, in the wealth confiscation &/or abolishment process for its new control & ownership in whole or part). This is the template of wealth in human history. Wealth is not autonomous & unalienable, nor God or Allah, etc., given; rather, its very basis & existence come from & depend on society, nature & the wide-ranging pool of human labor, talent & skills, the product of cumulative ancestral communitarian or communal (dare I say “collective”) genetics, biology, culture (including, most valuably, language & mundane, practical & technical knowledge) & formal & informal education & training, & ingenuity & creativity, over the ages from the beginning of our species & evolution — read past & observe & read current history for confirmation.
Meritocracy v.s. Aristocracy in a Social Democracy, & The Nature of Money 
Anathema to the meritocracy of both the private and public economic sectors & incompatible with the shared economic prosperity of any socially democratic society is the tax-free or low-tax and flat-tax hereditary transfer of “massive” wealth from one family generation to another, in actual instances cumulatively, to grandiose levels, indefinitely, giving rise to a hereditary aristocracy able to exercise capitalization and majority ownership-share control of any financially promising new major enterprise or industry looming on the business or financial horizon, or able to stop or impede new technology, innovation, mass arts & entertainment  (like the pop, rock ‘n’ roll and rap music genres that forced their ways into the music marketplace by subversion of the status quo via broadcasts from Mexico, payola, & once independent, renegade black American radio stations & audacious, rebellious white American & British DJs, risking their jobs & sometimes adverse legal action, not to much mention now legalized erotica publications & film, most vigorously opposed by often hypocritical American puritanical, puritan-ethic right-wing media figures [the likes of nowadays provocative broadcast infotainer lame-brain, convicted-junkie, drug-dazed-&-crazed, whacked-out tongue-slinger, shit-talking dumbo Rush Bozo Limbaugh], politicians and church leaders [where churches in our society control vast insular empires of untaxed revenues & property wealth, in addition to huge numbers of voters, yet receive government services of all kinds & benefit from government infrastructure like all the rest of society, whereas Jesus himself said in regard to taxes "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's...," referencing that Caesar's image was on the coins of the realm, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25] & the austere social & mind censorship, anti-sexual, perhaps jealousy tinged, brand of feminism, tyrannically wanting to define monolithically, direct & command all women on how to think & on how to comport their private lives & on their life and work choices – where many heterosexual sex-loving women [on their own female & idiosyncratic terms & based on their own criteria:  with whom, in what kind of relationship, when, where, under what conditions & in what manner, etc., they choose or negotiate consensually with a mate], including sex models & actresses, are feminists in their own way & view their physical beauty & sexual attractiveness as a resource &/or asset & an undeniable gift of, or advantage from, nature and as a source of power), enterprise and industry disruptive to their complacency with status-quo business that is steadily lucrative to themselves, although passe & dangerous to health and the environment, like nuclear, fossil-oil & coal energy resources & industries fighting the aggressive arrival & rise of clean fuel-energy technologies and industries (including solar electric-tech that with molten-salt storage & night-time solar cells developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, the latter publicly announced 02-29-2012,…, can now generate & supply electricity around-the-clock 24/7, & cat-tail, bladeless wind turbines that can generate electricity without endangering birds & bats, Wind Power Without the BladesBig Pics : Discovery News › Tech News). Given their vast web of communications media & business control, employment or employer power, directly or indirectly, & political-candidate campaign funding power & donations to religious & advocacy organizations & entities, they are or in a position to be de facto, largely unanswerable & unaccountable, dictatorial societal rulers (by virtue of their wealth & the applied influence and power of their wealth). Wealth needs ever increasingly even more wealth to sustain its splendorous lifestyle, preserve & extend its inviolable financial principal (under ongoing cost-of-living and inflationary challenges), the basis of its financial security, pay its constant incidental and revolving bills & expenses and exercise control or increased & expanded control. As a reward to achievers, democratic societies worldwide should permit a tax free estate to pass to child, sibling & parent heirs of the equivalent of perhaps $5,000,000.00 each, adjustable periodically upward over the decades with rises in the cost of living, with progressive taxes on inheritances exceeding $5,000,000.00 in value graduating to a tax rate of 100% on an inheritance of $50,000,000.00 or more in value. Let the tax money from inheritances go primarily to fund public education & job skills training, public health, science & NASA, conversion of municipal sewage treatment plants to biomass-biodigester plants for cleanly converting human sewage (excrement, bio & biodegradable hospital waste, etc.) & environmental waste to environmentally sequestered methane gas extraction for further conversion to distributed clean electricity to municipal electricity rate payers, with the residue from this process sold as the high-grade soil fertilizer that it has proven to be, & to fund interstate & national infrastructure.  However, taxes on the incomes of citizens in general, on a sliding scale based on level of income, should be kept cautiously near the minimum of what is necessary to fund critical government services & works (including the social safety net), by mechanization & computerization, with superior results to human performance, as much as possible of government services & works in all regards, including education, so as to reduce the need for & employment of costly & forever-rising human wage/salary labor, with its per individual costly bundle of fringe benefits, at taxpayer & many times government budget-busting burden & expense, wherever possible – taxes must not become broadly oppressive on & suffocating to citizens’ money & financial liquidity & a threat to their assets or unduly to their incarceration.  Elected executive branch & Congressional as well as business, private university & interested citizen organization leaders & their expert & competent representatives or staff members, along with relevant tech expert individuals, should form brainstorming task forces for planning, pilot-project testing & refining & implementing this taxpayer-expense-cutting mechanization & computerization of government, permanently reconstituted periodically for further such mechanization & computerization of government.
Money, along with being a convenient fungible and portable denominated medium of exchange of value (i.e., a transferable purchase-value proxy for goods & services & representing abstractly or generally the gamut of property, resources, products [also including the secondary financial instruments substituting for money of stocks, bonds, bona-fide checks, collateralized or secured debts, credit accounts, debit & the various other bank accounts, etc.] & services in societies in the course of commerce — as in fiat government paper tender of various specified values as well as other s0-value-assigned tender of other material of varied size & weight, most commonly as of silver, nickel, copper & sometimes gold) for goods & services, is also a transferable warrant or demand (or even a claim on or right to) of degree, based on the denominated value amount of one’s money, upon the gamut of goods & services offered & available in society. In this context, artificially, yet as a matter of social reality, one’s warrant-demand ownership share of nature in & the assets of a society is proportional to the total denominational value of the money one owns & controls in that society, &, inasmuch as the more capital one has, so it is the more money generating assets one can purchase or control, with the unfortunate circumstance that ultimately a comparatively small hereditary wealth class (the born aristocracy: the “heiristocracy” or hereditary feudal-lord investor class of heirs or “heiristocrats”) at the financial helm of society, with such overwhelming social stranglehold wealth in the aggregate, unchecked by tax, domestic revolution or military defeat by a foreign adversary, could, like a predatory reproductive ruling species, own & control virtually everything in that society (namely, the U.S.A.), especially with the power of computerization & the computerization of Wall Street. Indeed, in this respect, they become the womb-to-tomb, cradle-to-grave wealthfare, financial-headstart, fawned-over, privileged, affirmative-action, entitlement for the parasitical born-rich sponge class, based on the happenstance of being the product of birth to achiever parents or such a parent & not based on individual, personal merit, mirroring & epitomizing in an opulent image for themselves the public social safety net as well as poor receiving government assistance they & their communications media critics chronically bad talk & mock. Talk about a welfare queen driving a Cadillac, what about lifelong freeloader wealthfare kings & queens driving Mercedes Benzes, etc., & being chauffeured in limousines & waited on by housekeepers & sometimes servants?! 
Michael Hudson, professor of economics & the history of finance, warns, in liberal paraphrase & interpretation of him, of a creeping undemocratic economic  society in which the large majority of folks become all-points toll-booth payers to & interest-shackled accounts-receivable  and notes-receivable slaves of monopolist investors, the banking system & finance — with this triad overlapping, superimposed on & bolstered by FIRE-LI:  finance, insurance, real estate (in addition to building & community development, or construction, subsuming agriculture, forestry, food in general, mining, fossil ore extraction, &, moreover, almost all business & housing, etc.), energy or education (I didn’t clearly hear which), law (legislation, litigation, law enforcement, etc.), monopoly investment & information (“information” presumably consisting of information & entertainment media, as well as marketing, or commercial, surveillance databasing), posing as good-guy free-market capitalism endeavoring to privatize for itself public infrastructure & government functions, as spoils of their effective ideological campaign of belief against the competence of & need for government (in the public interest). They carry on this self-righteous, self-promoting idiots’ campaign of myth-making & stupidification (manufactured ignorance & misinformation as well as pejorative generalization) unceasingly despite the fact that, in the public interest [in fostering low prices, for especially food & fuel, U.S. competitiveness in world trade, maximal employment & averting precipitous mass unemployment & cause-effect chain-reaction mass business failure], vital & strategic industries have been subsidized & facilitated by government, substantially by tax policy &/or law, at every level & some major manufacturing corporations & the banking & finance systems have been rescued, the latter repeatedly, from their collapses often resulting from reckless, short-sighted, short-term greed-driven investment, widespread institutional mismanagement &/or corruption, grand fraud & investment-system cannibalism, enabled by the Republican & free-market libertarian recurrently failed dogma of business deregulation & unfettered, on-the-honor-system, free-market capitalism by legislation & executive branch policy (most notably, the Republican & libertarian marketplace deregulated, free-market stock-market & banking-system collapses of the Great Depression of 1929 & the 1930s, the late 1980s S&L collapse of the Republican deregulated, free-market 1980s, & the 2008 investment & retail banking system collapse of the Republican, libertarian deregulated, free-market first decade of the 21st Century, not to speak of more than in passing of the junk bond market securities fraud convict Michael Milken & brazen insider stock trader convict Ivan Boesky of the Republican, libertarian deregulated, free-marked 1980s, the Y2k bust, WorldCom, Enron & herd corporate criminal misconduct of the Republican, libertarian deregulated, free-market first decade of this 21st century prior to 2009 & the multibillion-dollar Ponzi swindlers Bernie Madoff & Allen Stanford of the Republican, libertarian deregulated free-market persuasion exposed in their uncontainable self-destructive zeal in the Republican unrestrained free-market first decade of the 21st Century prior to 2009). And the mess keeps spewing to now, the summer of 2012, with the multibillion-dollar bank-gambling losses & potential losses of depositor money & unethical interest rate manipulations as well as obfuscations & apparent lies of JP Morgan-Chase Bank, led by its warm & fuzzy CEO Jamie Dimond, & Barclays Bank, led by its CEO Bob Diamond.  Deregulated, on-the-honor-system free-market economics scholars & experienced practitioners know that in the boom-and-bust and feast-and-famine cycles of our economy the bust and famine back ends are not inevitable but are the debris, or fall out, of the shark feeding frenzy (or the barbarian rape, pillage & burn time) of the front ends of the policy practice of this unfettered cannibal capitalism marketplace philosophy, & the practitioners & beneficiaries of this philosophy & kind of market want those front ends to keep cycling back to them, even if not fully fattened & ripened by rehabilitation & restoration by rescue governance time. Possibly to their peace of mind, it’s mainly the “most” egregious few of the many rogues benefiting from deregulated, unfettered, on-the-honor-system free-market economics who are criminally prosecuted & meaningfully punished.  
From the libertarian free-market point of view (laissez-faire economic philosophy) & practice, marketplace deregulation means the granting of commercial license to dump, spill, pollute, poison, taint, contaminate, blight, injure, maim, disable, cripple, mutilate, disfigure, bloat with bad & junk food & beverages, disease, sicken, devastate, deplete, uproot, displace, render extinct, destroy & kill as well as misrepresent, con, defraud, cheat, swindle, loot, rob & steal with impunity or token amends, in the promotion & pursuit of revenue maximization & profit, by government policy & the absence of protective & compensatory law or adequate such law for victims (whether victims be humans, flora or fauna, habitat or environment), really to major & politically favored enterprises & entrepreneurs, unless the victims or objectors are sufficiently wealthy or socially important.  It also means no or weak curbs on cartels & monopolies in the marketplace, able to distort & destroy democratically fair-play, equal-opportunity (level-playing field) marketplace competition benefiting consumers & society on the whole.
Germane to this latter issue, the author of this writing repudiates the fossil-fuels expansionist drill-baby-drill, ravage, pollute, poison, spill, blight & kill national-fuel-energy agenda of primacy-of-profits 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney & rejects his candidacy & strategy of opacity regarding the public disclosure of his financial and tax, with emphasis on “income tax,” paying integrity & character in publicly vetting, as a presidential candidate, the status of his publicly accountable & verifiable ethical fitness to occupy the highest public office in the nation, without his insistence that the public rely on & trust his self-serving mere words & uncorroborated assurances of financial & tax-paying rectitude. All federal civil servants & members of the armed forces are subjected to an agency or FBI character background check or investigation & all proposed presidential cabinet secretary appointees are subject to Congressional challenge & confirmation as well as an FBI background check. Traditionally in modern times all other presidential & vice-presidential candidates, except for one, have made extensive public disclosures of their income-tax & financial background – incidentally, in separate property marriages, in which a non-candidate spouse of a candidate for political office may have entered the marriage with substantial personal assets or an inherited fortune, the political-office candidate spouse has no right to or involvement with those assets by law so long as those assets remain separate property & disclosure of that spouse’s personal separate assets & related financial affairs may be a liable trespass against the privacy of that spouse & a liable basis for divorce of the offending spouse. Certainly mega-millionaire scion Mitt Romney knows this when he facetiously cites former presidential candidate U.S. Senator John Kerry, D-Mass (who promptly made a thorough public financial & income-tax disclosure on himself during his candidacy), as having not made a public financial & tax disclosure on his wife, the heir to a large fortune before his marriage to her, & dishonestly makes reference to this appropriate nondisclosure (a disclosure John Kerry would have had no legal right to make) as a justification and excuse for making a peek-a-boo minimal, scant & untimely (in effect “I’ll reveal the other financial & tax tidbit on myself after the election.”) disclosure of his own financial & income-tax filing & paying background & history. The same legal situation applies to U.S. Senator John McCain, R-Az., and his presidential bid in 2008 when he, also as an exception to the clean-politics norm like Romney, disclosed publicly only his own controversially two most recently due and filed 2006 and 2007 federal income tax returns but appropriately nothing on his premaritally independently rich, mega-millionaire heiress wife, another example of minimal financial and tax disclosure on a presidential candidate and nondisclosure on a wife by a presidential candidate Romney cites as a justification and excuse for his not making a full or extensive financial and tax disclosure on himself. Apparently Romney is obstructing full or extensive public disclosure on himself because he is embarrassed & has something disturbing to hide & feels the harm to himself from a tiny disclosure or nondisclosure is tolerable in comparison to the devastation a full or extensive disclosure might precipitate.  It is suspect when he says in effect “I have paid lots of taxes” & avoids the term “income taxes” — he seems to be fudging with the use of this hedge language.  His remark that his tax returns are proper but that if he were to publicly release & disclose them Democrats would pick through them to find fault insinuates that there are concerning, culpable faults with them, indeed, that are grist for political controversy & damage to him & his presidential candidacy. Romney is of dubious financial & income-tax paying & filing character until there is certified documented revelation to the contrary, which may, however, result in a finding of disreputable character.
Like in any election, character is and always is a crucial issue. It is incumbent on the voting citizen public to thoroughly audit and know everything about its prospective leaders and to make its choices of elected leaders based on its examination and full and certain knowledge of the candidates for elective leadership office — for making informed decisions and choices — “beyond words and arguments.” Character, especially long-time entrenched adult character, is the foolproof indicator and predictor of an individual’s inclinations and future patterns and habits of conduct and action, and not at all an individual’s words or words separated from deciding-others’ knowledge of that individual’s character. Do not trust shadowy figures, especially those insistent on remaining shadowy, as regards matters of their character, such as Mitt Romney. It is a truism that behind many a big fortune is a big crook and a path beaten thereto by crookery, often a path beaten by ruthless fortune-hunter or glory-hog individuals with a flair for finery and a way (forte) with words — “All that glitters is not gold.” Just like it is foolhardy to entrust our money or lovely, or gorgeous, daughter, wife or girlfriend with a stranger or unsavory individual, it is a most probable unpardonable, regrettable blunder in the making to entrust the leadership of our nation to a shadowy individual of dubious or uncertain character. Do not let the seductively, for some, glib Republican duo of glitz and glamour both demagogue, and scaremonger us on, the competence of government (while ignoring the endless procession of grandiose incompetence, recklessness, roguery — the most recent high-profile such rogues being J.P. Morgan-Chase Bank and its CEO Jamie Dimond and Barclays Bank and its CEO Bob Diamond in July of 2012 — and failures in private enterprise, pretending and mythologizing that somehow and magically humans in government service are different and lesser than humans in commercial employment), Social Security retirement, Medicare and Medicaid and dupe/sweet talk divide and conquer the older and younger generations into approving the fracturing and gradual destroying of Social Security retirement, Medicare and Medicaid, now free of investment in the turbulent and often equity-destroying stock-market casino, with promises of preservation of the current defined benefit models for those 55 years of age and older at the time of system reform to the privatization, marketplace models they propose (to attract the voting support for the reform from the particulary voting active bloc of elder voters, giving them a sense of safety and remaining-life security for themselves). If the generations declare with their unified votes in the majority that these defined-benefit, and government protected and administered, social-safety-net programs will not be deprioritized and are not subject to compromise, they will not be diluted and compromised and they will be prioritized and made to work permanently by politicians who observe and understand that their political-office jobs depend on their viability, in disregard of the talking-heads and tongue-wagging news-talk commentators of the mainstream mass news media of public persuasion owned by the corporate wealth class. Let us not be swayed into believing that the foe of these programs and the social safety net in general, being Romney’s VP running-mate Paul Ryan, is suddenly now the friend of Medicare with the gimmick of his trotting out his 78-year-old mother as a political prop before an adoring Republican crowd and announcing that she is receiving Medicare and attesting to his want to save Medicare (yes, his no-change protection plan for those 55 years old and above at the time of legislative enactment of his proposed Medicare system reform and changeover for future recipients would take care of her and of course any mother would like to see her son to be the vice-president of the U.S.) — expediency and shameless duplicity are a centuries-old, tried-and-true successful ploy of many desperate and ruthless politicians.
Incidentally, Perry’s proposal of a flat-tax simple postcard tax return goes back to a proposal circulated in the Treasury Department during either late in the second term of the Clinton Administration or early in the first term of the Bush-II Administration; it is not Perry’s nor his campaign organization’s idea & went nowhere way back because it had no legs, nor a wheelchair. 
More of “False face doth hide what false heart doth know,” the timeless relevance of William Shakespeare
Republican Governor Rick Perry’s federal-income-tax-reform plan, announced on 10-24-2011, of an individually-optable 20% flat tax system, proposed to run parallel with and as an alternative to the traditional progressive tax-bracket federal income tax system, with individual discretion also to opt out of the federal Social Security retirement system and invest one’s otherwise Social Security contribution, or a part of it, in the stock market or suggestively an insurance-company, or other financial-services, offered annuity plan, would result in a drastically reduced revenue stream to the federal government for funding and supporting the capacity and viability of the federal Social Security retirement system as well as all other federal government services, that are often disaster and crisis aid and services, in addition to other important federal support, to states and municipalities. Inevitably and of course, the wealthy who, for the most part, do not, will not and are unlikely to need a Social Security pension or to retire under the Social Security retirement system, and many misled, irrational and stupid others (the financially-gifted, functional mentally ill, survivalists, anti-all-government anarchists), and, some, despite their college education, truly educated fools and intellectual idiots, who resent paying taxes for indispensable public infrastructure and services provided by government, on which they and all of society rely all day and night daily, without exception, will rush and lead the herd-instinct charge to conveniently and shortsightedly opt for the tax-cut, lower, 20% flat income tax system, superficially benefiting themselves tremendously. They nevertheless feel, or pretend, that they have no need for government (until they are victims of an overwhelming natural disaster or arson, their daughter is kidnapped or has disappeared, they’ve been blackmailed, extorted or fleeced, they are under threat by violent social unrest, their plane crashes in a forest or on a snow-covered mountain, or they’re stranded at sea, etc., ad infinitum) and so have no interest in and feel they have no legitimate obligation in financially contributing toward the common good (for which our federal [national] constitution prescribes as a mission of government that it provide for this, the common good), being the at-large community, for which they have no concern beyond their own dwellings or enclaves – obligation and shared support for such they, in large part, regard as socialism. They cannot sincerely claim to be patriotic yet not be concerned citizens, concerned about the good of the nation on the whole and its people collectively — that is, be concerned for the common good and community as a nation and demonstrate shared love of and support for our country commensurate with one’s benefit in and from society and one’s means — as opposed to very often and in large numbers posturing as patriots for supporting endless war and exhorting “Support the troops” (a euphemism for “Support the war”), for whom they do not care as persons, but only as obedient fighting bio-automatons and sport-of-war gladiators in the arena of demolition, blood-and-guts and slaughter combat for their desirably victorious troops, with victory by the troops to bolster their nationalist ego pride (sense of triumphant esteem, or superiority over others) and imperial financial power. Many other people needing money in the here and now, and financially seduced or conned into investing their otherwise Social Security retirement money in the stock market and in insurance-company annuities, almost the worst of all investments, aside from losing one’s money to a swindler or in the stock market, as is common, will elect for the 20% flat tax and withdraw from the federal Social Security insurance retirement system, to the detriment, also, and fatality of the Social Security retirement system, the federal social-safety-net programs and other valuable, critical government services.
The point of Social Security insurance retirement is that no matter what befalls an individual (including stay-at-home homemaker spouses of income earners) and one’s assets during one’s working, pre-retirement years that when one reaches retirement age, a time when for a large percentage of working people the body is noticeably deteriorated and debilitated regardless of an increase in lifespans, one will have a Social Security pension (a permanent, guaranteed income) with which to still financially fend for oneself, along with such health care insurance (Medicare) for medical services, until one dies, however infirm one is or becomes in the interim. Antigovernment, anti-tax, deregulated free-market, primacy-of-profits, financial libertarian assertions that charity will take care of the indigent dying and disabled, have nots and homeless, and dependent-age orphans and brutalized and abandoned children, and that charity will not allow anyone to go hungry, medically uncared for and die homeless and without help, are facetious, crazy talk and writing, and are outrageous, if not arrogant and malicious, falsehood. Greed has no top. Greed has no bottom. Greed has no perimeter. Greed is gluttonous and insatiable. Greed and avarice have no limits,  are unreasonable and have no conscience.
From the beginning of the Republican presidential candidates pre-primaries debate campaign this year for the 2012 presidential election, Governor Rick Perry of Texas has called Social Security a Ponzi scheme (a long-term financial fraud) and proposed scrapping it, to the objection of a majority of staunch Republican voters, which resulted in his plunge from first place Republican presidential candidate to petty-percentages third place candidate since, despite his dominant campaign funds chest and fundraising position. His flat tax proposal is intended to politically salvage his candidacy and make him competitive in popularity with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, whose precedent, equally destructive, 9-9-9 federal income tax reform plan that, along with his exclamation, in close paraphrase, in retort to Perry’s putdown of Social Security, was that “People need Social Security!; they depend on it!,” has catapulted Cain (a heavily-accented black man in a political party that right-wing, xenophobic media commentator Pat Buchanan is alleged to have said, in effect, is or should be the white people’s party), shockingly, from the last place Republican presidential candidate to the fluctuating first and second place candidate consistently in the consensus of the major independent political polls. Rick Perry’s proposal is structured to give another giant tax cut to the rich (his mainstay and major campaign contributors and long-time general backers) while fiscally starving Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to functional collapse and death, with the volitional flight of taxpayers into the 20% flat-tax income tax system and with enough of them withdrawing and redirecting their money permanently from Social Security and Medicare insurances. His position on Social Security reflects that he is of the same political-economic philosophy as that expressed by unconscionable, psycho-minded Grover Norquist (a Harvard MBA and head of the Americans for Tax Reform and a hero to primacy-of-profits, antigovernment, anti-tax financial libertarians), infamous for having said, according to Wikipedia, “I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” Doesn’t he really need to be in the rubber-walled room of a psychiatric ward for the criminally insane?! And what about his worhippers and supporters too?
With exception, Republicans, conservative Democrats (who founded the bi-partisan American Liberty League opposing the New Deal social-safety-net programs of the Great Depression era) and financial libertarians — all largely of a miser ideology and mentality — have opposed and called for the abolishment of, as they refer to it, the public entitlement system (the social safety net, which even Republican Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and ultra conservative Ronald Reagan defended from their meat cleavers), since its inception in the administration of Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt. Where the core tenent and mantra enunciated by the wealth-class-turned Republican Party of late and financial libertarians, an extremist wing of the Republican Party that includes the Tea Party, is that tax cuts for the wealthy or rich create jobs, contrarily, empirical economics 101 documents that foremost and overwhelmingly mass consumer demand, financial means and ability to purchase (purchasing power and its deployment) drive business production, sales, income, profit, hiring, upgrade, growth, research and development, implemented development, investment and attraction of outside investment. When domestic common consumers do not have their jobs outsourced to low-wage foreign nations and their service, retail, factory and building and other construction trades jobs outplaced to a nonstop flood of uninsured, low-wage and no-fringe-benefits illegal immigrants and are not burdened with onerous education debts and exorbitant (usury) interest rates on debt itself and credit cards (really ‘debt cards’), they have more money for financially fueling and supporting a sustained, strong retail and wholesale goods and services production and sales economy. Job outsourcing to lowest and low-wage nations and outplaced to minimal expense, lowest and low-wage illegal immigrants and tax-underfunded public infrastructure, schools and institutions of higher education burdening students with staggering debt and debtors with exorbitant credit interest rates (interest rates that squander the money and severely diminish the purchasing power of consumers indefinitely, as well as drive up, along with the debt burden itself, the cost of professional services of eventual doctors, dentists, nurses, attorneys, architects, engineers, accountants, commercial artists, etc., who graduate from college with huge debts) only enriches unscrupulous entrepreneurs, company and bank executives and investors by use of the inflexible, hard-nosed maximization-of-profit and minimization-of-expense strategy, with investor wealth further maximized with tax cuts, all at the expense, and often impoverishment, of maximal domestic employment, public infrastructure, essential government services, the citizenry, the common good and the nation. It is another right-wing, wealth-class Republican Party, financial libertarian and Tea Party myth and falsehood that Americans don’t want these jobs, which they use to cover up their true agenda, identified in the aforementioned. It is a further canard of theirs that the Republican Party is the party of small business, a categorization they dangle before the public as a tax-cut sympathy-drawing decoy to garner gaint tax cuts for the rich (like the tax-free inherited estate tax, for the 8 years of the Bush-II presidency, that went to the entitlement and privileged class of indulged, wealthfare-raised, -cultured, -educated, -gilted and financially lifetime-endowed freeloader children of mega millionaires and billionaires) behind the pretense and guise of protecting the family farm or business from the ravages of inheritance, scary “death taxes” (officially and in emotionally neutral language termed decedent-estate inheritance taxes), with these and all inheritances before the zero tax of the Bush-II administration on decedent estates having had a $3,500,000.00 exemption from taxation (before taxation was applicable).
The upshot consensus thesis of the independently pro-Keynesian-economics (economic ideas of British economist John Maynard Keynes advocating government intervention in the economy during times of economic collapse or crisis, such as the Great Depression of 1929 and the 1930s, with rescue, activist commerce-stimulating and job-creating spending and not with budgetary and spending austerity, even in the presence of large budget deficits) views of Nobel Prize economists each Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz is that capitalism does not work or becomes grossly dysfunctional when a small minority of the population owns or controls the majority or large majority of the national wealth, like the top 20% owning or controlling 80% of the wealth or money pie and that for capitalism to be robust — that is, for the free-market economy to be healthy, resilient and dynamic on the whole and for the long term — it must be based on democratic capitalism, that handsomely rewards business, investment and product initiative, talent, creativity and innovation but that widely diffuses or distributes abundant money and wealth to the laboring general populace whose spending keeps the money in ongoing plentiful circulation feeding investment markets, commerce, business, employment and government revenues for funding infrastructure and common-good and vital public services and programs. Other economists of our time warn that extreme disproportionate wealth (including income) ownership or control by a small minority of the population (concentrated wealth control by a small minority), whether it be the wealthiest 1, 10 or 20-plus percent of the population, is a cause of economic constipation, or the lack of healthy economic flow and dynamism of a nation.
The reason the U.S. is in a state of a protracted economic crash and sluggishness, or protracted economic slump, denied any longer to be technically a recession, is due to profligate war spending, the 1999 repeal of the great-depression-era federally enacted Glass-Steagall Act restricting commercial banks from dealings in securities investments, the massive banking liar-loan debacle (related to shaky sub-prime mortgages), huge financial losses from greed-driven high-risk and competitive investment gambling by commercial, or retail, banks, the fleecing of employee retirement investment money by employing corporations and unscrupulous players in the stock market, the plundering of corporations by CEOs and top level executives, the strategy of hard-nosed minimization of expenses and maximization of profits via exporting manufacturing and jobs abroad and the outplacing of wanted domestic low-skill (like food service, food processing and cannery, janitorial, street and environmental clean up and maintenance, waste management, fabric, garment, hotel service, valet, automotive servicing such as oil changes, lubes, tire repair and change, window change, body repair and painting) and building-trades and construction jobs to a continuous massive influx of illegal immigrants by a great many businesses large and small, as applicable, and giant tax cuts for the wealthy.
As it is the case that there are many Americans who are low and modestly skilled and educated and are not high-skills or higher-level education achievers and are glad to have even a secure and adequate-paying humble or simple job on which to make a living and support a family and have a family life, they want these jobs regardless of what out-of-touch, insensitive and pugnacious, financially well compensated mass-media talk-show hosts and their partisan, ideologue guests, as well as columnists, high-profile social figures and politicians, representing the profit and wealth class or exercising social diplomacy, say. Many drop out of high school and college. To many of these people, to have a steady job with a livable income and health insurance, friends and a family, or romantic life, is the top priority in life. Wake up! There are individual differences in ability, aspiration and motivation among people of any kind, anywhere, including in families. The ranks of the unemployed, imprisoned and homeless are bloated with frustrated, simple, ordinary folks, young and old, who may in big numbers be unskilled or modestly skilled, and lowly to modestly educated, in want of a steady living-wage job, almost of any kind, with health insurance, so long as they are treated with respect on the job (by superiors, co-workers and customers).
The exportation and domestic outsourcing of jobs to low-wage, no-benefits foreign workers and unlawful-entry immigrant labor are just another means of domestic labor union busting and the busting of union scale pay compensation packages for all workers as well as often of employers circumventing government imposed minimum wages domestically. Union workers who vote for the union-busting Republican Party and its candidates for political office in response to the constant Republican call for and lure of tax cuts are also voting for the export and outsourcing of their jobs and the reduction of their wages, job fringe benefits and job security.  Nevertheless, plenty of them can be depended on to vote for shortsighted tax cuts and whine in bewilderment when their financial world collapses around and on them.
By the way, union leaders and members must bear in mind that people go into business or invest in business to respectively make a living or make income in the form of net income from profit, with profit defined here for the sake of KISS (keeping it short and simple) as gross business income minus all business expenses. When there is no profit or when profit is insufficient to substantially support the private lives of business owners or is unattractive to investors, the business is at risk of imminent failure or headed toward failure, with the losers being the business owners, investors, employees and business-to-business vendors, as well as the regular customers and tax authorities, supposedly and hopefully, representing the general public interest. A business also needs profit-derived rainy-day financial reserves (set asides) for sometimes relocating, replacing deteriorated or outdated assets, remodeling, improvement, modernizing, expanding and competing as well as for surviving periods of disruption of or harsh downturns in business traffic and slack income or income droughts.
Granted, there is a reluctant domestic labor pool for stoop agricultural work, which should be available to immigrants to the U.S. from our neighboring nations, with a path to U.S. citizenship to them after 25 years or so of such labor, since this is physically highly stressful work people cannot do into late-age career or working years. However, whatever the government policy is regarding illegal immigrants in general, particularly should they be given stay amnesty, whether conduct-contingent permanent non-citizen residency without citizen rights or outright citizenship, they, except for their children born in the U.S. and those accepted into military service and completing it with an honorable discharge, should be barred by predetermined failproof law from Social Security retirement pensions, Medicare and Medicaid, so as not to have these programs be a magnet and incentive for illegal immigration and for them not to threaten further the solvency of these programs. In addition, they and their hosts, employers and landlords should, by failproof law (which will be challenged by unlawful immigrant defenders and attorneys), be charged registered unlawful-entry amnesty residency taxes and they (the unlawful-entry immigrants) should be required to register their unlawful entry presence in the U.S. by a deadline in order to qualify for unlawful-entrant or entry amnesty residency status. The registration process should include a small fee, finger printing and a DNA sample, among other identification and domicile information collection. Post-deadline, unregistered undocumented, or illegal, immigrants and their hosts, employers and landlords should be levied unregistered unlawful-entry immigrant taxes and charges to in part pay the cost of their apprehension, detainment and deportation. Sheriff, police and ICE departments and offices should be legally authorized to administratively seize and sell the assets of undocumented or unlawful immigrants, and retain all monies therefrom, in their names and possession and in the name/s and possession of others, whether persons or entities, again, post-deadline for registration of unlawful-entry immigration status and qualification for conduct-contingent amnesty for permanent residency without citizenship rights and with permanent disqualification for citizenship. Disqualification for citizenship for even those qualifying for and granted conduct-contingent permanent residency gives resolute notice that in no instance whatsoever, retroactively, now or henceforth, will citizenship be granted for any unlawful-entry immigration or immigrant — stay amnesty in the form of conduct-contingent permanent residency ought to be offered given the impracticality and imprudence of deporting 12,000,000-plus unlawful-entry persons complexly integrated into our society and economy. They should also have to pay into a health insurance, disability insurance and retirement insurance system for stay-amnesty unlawful entry residents, perhaps co-funded by Congressional statute by hosts of the illegal immigrants, including host churches and religious and other host organizations and sanctuary municipalities and states, and sanctuary-granting elected authorities — material supporters, incentivizors and settlement facilitators of unlawful entry immigrants and immigration — as well as the central governments of their native nations (for the latter, by law suits in international court).  This will go a long way toward solving the illegal immigration problem. Illegal immigration is an additional economic problem in that, according to the most recent official government report on this matter, the taxes paid by illegal immigrants in toto are far less than the value of what they consume in public services (having cost $26,000,000,000 to the federal government alone while having paid $16,000,000,000 in federal taxes, per Center of Immigration Studies), Immigration’s Impact on Public Coffers – Center for Immigration …… burden (taxespaid minus services … year versus 800,000 would increase the dollar value of … Illegal Immigrantsand the Federal Budget A good deal of research) …, and much of the money they earn in the U.S. is not re-circulated and reinvested in the U.S. but is sent abroad, Economic costs of massimmigration (legal and illegal immigration …) … 2004 study by Bendixen & Associates 6 found that legal and illegal immigrants send a … this report… The results of this study … theU.Ssend $30 billion a year in remittances …, whereas the great majority of the money earned by their counterpart blue-collar U.S.-citizen workers in the U.S. is retained here.
Children of unlawful-entry (illegal) immigrants or migrants born in the U.S., and thereby Constitutionally made U.S. citizens by birth, should be conferred with compulsory dual citizenship (that of their illegal immigrant or migrant parents or parent and that of the U.S.) by statute legislated by Congress and remanded to the custody of their parents (in deference to and observance of the common-law principle of generally recognizing the sovereignty and intactness of the family concerning children) until they reach the age of emancipation, 18 years old, at which time they would be able return to the U.S. as age-emancipated, adult U.S. citizens. Only such alleged children officially documented (such as by a recorded official birth certificate) and confirmed to have been born in the U.S. should qualify for automatic return to the U.S. to exercise their U.S. citizenship as age-emancipated adults. If such a child is the offspring of a U.S. citizen and an unlawful entry immigrant or migrant, that child should remain by law in the custody of the parent agreed by the parents, where both are available, or with the parent in possession of the child, where only one of the parents is available. If the parents have married, or are unable to agree on which parent should have custody of the child, both parents may consider departure together from the U.S. to remain together.
In further comment on securing the solvency of the Social Security retirement system, perhaps a way to fiscally fortify this system while securing state and municipal government budgets and treasuries against busts from runaway and unsustainable pension and health-benefit obligations for their government-worker retirees would be for all federal, state and municipal governments to pay into the Social Security and Medicare systems for their employees’ primary retirement pensions and retirement health care, rather than for each division of government to have its own pension plan and retirement-system funding arrangement, per and within each state and for the federal government. This would permit all government employees to get defined pensions, not subject to the vicissitudes and whims of investment in the stock market and it would put a damper on pressures for special parcel (real estate) and licensing taxes and fees to sufficiently fund local government budgets and treasuries and correct problems or shortfalls with them.  It also would derail efforts by self-contradictory patriotic fiscal conservatives, calling for the elimination, other than a replacement 401(k)-style stock-market-invested pension system, of 20-year-service retirement pensions for career soldiers and sailors, in a mortally high-risk & highly hazardous occupation.
Just like the Republican demanded and negotiated freezes on Social Security pension COLAs (cost of living adjustments: increases) and federal employee wages in part subsidy-financed the extension of the Bush-II-era giant tax cuts for the rich, still in place, under the Obama Administration, so too any flat tax would provide a big tax cut for the rich subsidy-financed by a loss of federal tax revenues from major reductions in tax on the high income earners under a flat tax, resulting in an underfunding or defunding of the federal social safety net and valuable and critical other federal government services provided directly to the public by the federal government as well as indirectly through the state and municipal governments by federal funds to them, federal funds in danger of being lost or significantly reduced under a flat federal income tax system.  Herman Cain’s and New Gingrich’s tax reform plans, with even lower net tax rates than Perry’s plan, would result in even larger federal income tax cuts for the higher and highest income earners.
The current highest tax rate is 35%, scheduled to increase to 39.6% in 2013, for the highest income earners. The lowest is 10%, not scheduled to increase, for income earners with the lowest income subject to tax. Four of the 6 current tax brackets are from 25% to 35%. The lower two are 15% and 10%. In light of this tax bracket information, Governor Perry’s flat tax would result in a 43% federal income tax reduction on the currently top tax bracket of 35%, and, unless he excludes from the proposed flat tax the bottom taxable income earners currently taxed at 10%, they will incur a 100% increase in their federal income taxes under the flat tax system to help finance the 43% tax cut for the top bracket of taxpayers and tax cuts for the other three brackets of taxpayers currently taxed at above a 20% flat tax rate. This federal income tax bracket information was obtained from
On the morning of 10-29-2011 I heard a radio talk show guest who had attended an Occupy event say that he saw one particularly memorable sign, being carried by an activist, with the striking words “Capitalism is Socialism for The One Percent.”  Incidentally, the Occupy movement is a populist rallying outcry in protest of gross and growing intolerable national economic injustice and in demand of economic justice — gross economic injustice and devastation resulting from the pathological and rabid financial misconduct of financial plundering and reckless investment gambling of the public’s money by major banks, corporations and high-wealth-controlling individuals subscribing to and/or practicing the financial Libertarian shortsighted economic philosophy of an unfettered free market and the primacy of profits and profits before people, the habitat, wildlife, planetary health and our planet itself.
Unfortunately, however, Occupy’s big-tent ideal is indeed attracting all kinds, including irresponsible and dangerous rogues, idiots and pariah hurting Occupy’s intended image of peaceful expression of its legitimate concerns about our political, economic and financial systems gone awry to the severe harm of our society overall, but to the financial benefit of the ultimately controlling relatively few rich and most powerful people and corporations, domestically and abroad. These problematical people and their misconduct adulterate the Occupy movement and distract and divert attention away from Occupy’s incisive and popular message. Also, a movement without a leadership structure, an agenda and explicit goals, which Occupy is said to eschew, is inclined to incoherence, chaos, aimlessness, pointlessness (apart from unpurposeful speechifying and emotional venting), ineptitude, discredit and disintegration or withering. In addition, Occupy activists should gather and disperse daily and not undemocratically squat, erect dwellings and domicile on and seize self ownership or possession of the public commons or private property or let itself be used as a roost, stalking ground, camouflage or hiding place for uncontrollable violent revolutionaries, anarchist, criminals, troublemakers, crazies and the such stupid to carry on and wreck havoc, otherwise Occupy will alienate from itself the sympathy and morale support of the majority of the citizenry, most of whom are employed, welcome and enjoy the amenities of a civilized society and enjoy shopping, indulging themselves and having a good time — they are not against small or ordinary businesses that supply their apartments, homes, plumbing, toilets, appliances, utilities, heat, furniture, public transportation, cars, fuel (but they may be ambivalent and uncomfortable about this and its sources and suppliers), clothes, jewelry, deli and restaurant food and beverages, groceries, electronics and gadgets, entertainment, infrastructure, etc., nor are they against public order, safety, cleanliness and aesthetics, nor against professional police protection and service and firefighter and emergency-medical-technician services.
The claim by some Occupy activists that pitching tents on and taking control over or taking over public or private property is an expression of their right of free speech is fallacious and a legally losing argument, in the same way that no one can claim hi-jacking police cars or taxis is the exercise of the right of free speech that is immune from legal repercussions.  To further illustrate, legally, no one has the right to erect a dwelling or significant fixed structure of any kind on any real property, public or private, or use that property for any purpose in disregard of real property building and use zoning laws and ordinances by government regulating real property development and use.  Not even can a big-money corporation legally set up shop and engage in any activity it wants on land it has purchased in disregard of land development and use zoning laws and ordinances instituted by government.  Nor can one strip off one’s clothes and masturbate in public with immunity from legal repercussions based on an argument that such conduct is the exercise of one’s Constitutional first amendment right of symbolic free speech.  Government has the right to control and punish potentially hazardous, damaging and blight conditions and behavior, which legally unpermitted and unregulated tent cities are inclined respectively to constitute and give rise.
There will be capitalism with a conscience or there will be no capitalism. Capitalism with a conscience but not with a dunce cap.
Folks, check out this tweet feed of 12-17-2011 titled ‘Rwanda’s Poo-Powered Prisons’ by BBC news, with a news video link at, something I added to my blog promoting a similar but bigger idea, The Fast Lane to Clean Fuel Energy Independence: the lead & bridge fuel to total clean renewable fuel-energy dominance We can get off of dirty & environmentally dangerous & disruptive traditional fossil fuels abruptly if only we decided to do so & did so, at lesser energy bills expense at home, work & on the roads.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Leading Environmentalist, Suspected Double Dealer, Brutally Assaults Solar Technology

Halt that Scam! Book that Man!, By Order of Chief of the Green Police

Alert, All Points Bulletin:

I'm writing to share an issue of potential considerable concern with you. It seems to me that there may be cognitive infiltration of the green energy movement by perhaps the nuclear and fossil fuels industries to disparage and discredit particularly most viable solar and wind technology electricity-generating-competition. The same strategy has been used in past decades and the first decade of this century -- respectively, against the civil-rights, black-protest and antiwar Vietnam War movements (particularly the student organizations SNCC and SDS) and the Iraq antiwar movement. A most recent high-profile example of this kind of thing, exploiting sympathy in this instance rather than the typical purveying of disinformation and absolutist hypercritical zealotry, was the private-party conservative-politics operation successfully conducted against the once widely respected, socially progressive public-service nonprofit organization ACORN, publicly and politically embarrassed and cut off from most of its funding by donor patrons, including the federal government, as a consequence. Both educated, socially-polished, articulate and grunge, crude-image double dealers matriculate, earn the sympathy, respect and/or confidence of target organizations' leaders and/or memberships, and in the guise of righteous zealotry, indignation toward and hypercriticism of other targeted or falsified imperfection in others that they point out, they lead, sway or try to sway the organizations to behave in such a manner as to discredit and destroy themselves ideologically, with regard to public perception and their public appeal and support, or legally. I heard one such bright, polished and articulate person, Paul Hawken, CEO of, a professional investor, environmental activist and author, with a duped but apparently sincere Methodist Sunday School teacher, author, environmentalist and activist, Bill McKibben, founder of, on KQED radio 88.5 FM's Michael Krazny's Forum show on 09-08-2011 in expressing their appropriate protest of the proposed tars-sands oil Keystone XL 1,700-mile pipeline to go from Canada to Texas, turn to using the show to also summarily condemn solar technology, declaring it to be the most inefficient and dirtiest fuel-energy technology and concluding, in correct paraphrase, that it is “a failed technology with markets primarily (60%) in Germany and Italy,” but amending this conclusion by saying that because of Italy's troubled economy, Italy can’t continue to pursue its interest in solar. Apparently to justify having an organization with the name OneSunSolar while being a intemperate critic of solar technology, he was sure to say that in concept the limitless sun energy of photons into electrons was the perfect energy source but added that presently, given the most-polluting materials of all of which solar panels were made and given their indisposability or unrecyclability upon their disuse, solar energy technology was not ready. By implication, he sounds like a camouflaged advocate for nuclear and fossil-fuels energy by default, by suggestion that the alternatives to these are worse in meeting, or are not ready or are insufficient for meeting societal and market fuel-energy demands. His rhetoric comes at a time when Google, Apple Computer, P.G.&E., G.E., Chevron Oil, Total Oil of France, Bank of America, FaceBook, the U.S. Defense Department and Ikea are investing heavily in solar, and solar is proliferating sizably in or to California, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, Germany, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Greece (pending), Canada, China, India, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Brazil, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and in at least one Sub-Saharan African nation, Tanzania, among other domestic states and foreign nations. To witness a sample of universities across the U.S. and world engaged in serious work on solar technology, check out the DOE article 'U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2011 Set to Begin' at

Commercialization: U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon ... › CommercializationNews. A caller to the show, the first to the best of my recall, right on cue, a shill to my mind, inquired to the effect "Are you saying that for solar we're barking up the wrong tree? Can you clarify and expand on what you said about solar?," which the fake green, charismatic, eloquent alpha guest speaker did. Go to the online audio archives for this show and hear it for yourself:

Bill McKibben and Paul Hawken (KQED Public Radio)Author: KQED Public Radio
Thu, Sep 08, 2011

Author and climate activist Bill McKibben was among hundreds arrested at the White House recently at an environmental protest over a proposed Canada-U.S. oil pipeline. McKibben joins us in the studio -- along with veteran environmentalist and entrepreneur Paul Hawken -- to talk about approaches to tackling climate change.

Download File - 23.8 MB
Listen To This Podcast (Streaming Audio)

In the early afternoon of 09-09-2011 I listened to the KPFA Radio 94.1 FM show ‘Terra Verde explores the lifecycle impacts of solar energy, from raw materials extraction to disposal," on the pluses and minuses of solar technology by professionally much better informed guest speakers who pointed out that there are manufacturers of relatively clean solar panels (with few toxins) to quite dirty solar panels, and that no electronic technology, or maybe no technology, is toxin free. They suggested solar-panel manufacturers needed to be pressured by the market for solar products -- by vendors, contractors and consumers -- to uniformly produce clean or cleanest possible solar panels now, while the solar industry is in its infancy, to keep and make this technology clean and green in practice and image all the way:

Making solar truly clean and green - September 9, 2011 at 1:00 pm, Terra Verde explores the lifecycle impacts of solar energy, from raw materials extraction to disposal.

On 09-16-2011 this Hawken-McKibben pair was hosted on radio again, by the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, in a broadcast presentation and question-and-answer show on KQED Radio 88.5 FM at 8 p.m. This time Paul Hawken took the opportunity to make the categorical assertion that solar panels are made by China, an unchallenged demagogic and dishonest charge quashed by the fact that solar panels are also manufactured in the U.S. and in many locations outside of China. The purpose of such a canard can only be to invoke nationalistic prejudice toward a product falsely categorically claimed suggestively to be exclusively produced in a foreign economic competitor nation that is widely complained about in the U.S. to be overwhelming our nation with its products and undercutting our nation in the low cost of labor, by paying poverty wages, for producing the products, thereby under-pricing U.S. competitor products to the resentment of the U.S. production labor force: the strategy of stigmatization and demagogic prejudice for competitor product rejection, using finesse. If one can kill demand for a product, one can kill the market for the product and thus kill the product and industry -- in this case, kill the viable and growing competitor replacement for fossil and nuclear fuel energy, being the solar fuel-energy industry. If one can discourage investment in and thereby capitalization or sufficient capitalization of a product and its producer industry, one can simultaneously doubly kill or abort it. The adoption or use of the target’s identity to operate undercover to destroy the target is commonplace and standard operating procedure in the psyops politics of confusion and deception: hence, Paul Hawken’s attention-getting environmentalist organization name ‘One Sun Solar’ behind and from which to attack, demean and discredit categorically current solar technology. His primary focus in both broadcast shows was to speak about and against solar panels and technology, making unchallenged and wrong categorical (all encompassing) and overly broad statements adverse to solar panels and solar technology, while conceding that in concept and ultimately solar power could make for an or the ideal source of fuel energy for generating electricity. Proof that solar panels and technology are appreciably manufactured outside of China is the following:

Ten Top Solar Panel Manufacturers in the USA Listed at

Blue Square Energy
Advent Solar
DayStar Technologies
ASE Americas, Inc.
Kyocera Solar

Sample of Other USA Solar Panel Manufacturers Listed at

SUNRISCO Industries Inc.
NEXTEK Power Systems, Inc.
Solar Panel United Inc.
Green Capital Group International, LLC
UL Solar Inc.
WSL Solar
California Global Export
Worldwide Energy and Manufacturing USA, Inc.
Quantus Energy
JPO Solar Solutions
Stockwell Enterprises
Prefer Solar
Solargy Systems Inc.
Everbright Solar
Solarize It Now
Power Production Management, Inc.
Solar Enertec Inc.
Solex Energies
Boost Inverters and Controllers
Hot Box Solar
Bing Technologies LLC
Auxin Solar
HighPoint Inc.
SunHome Newenergy Trading Co., Ltd.
Chicon Solar Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
Ca Solar
Jacobsen Lenticular Tool & Cylinder Engraving Tech Co. (Jaco Tech)

Sample of Global Solar Products Manufacturer Directories on Internet

With these kinds of information and research resources immediately available to everybody by internet search engines, why would Paul Hawken speak so ignorantly and cavalierly in wrongful contradiction to them? In this second radio show on KQED 88.5 FM, a purportedly noncommercial radio station with frequent Shell Oil and Chevron Oil sponsorship ads, Hawken refrains from calling solar panels and current solar technology a failed technology, an assertion he made about solar technology in a previous KQED show approximately a week prior, but otherwise repeats the other categorical negative talking points. By the way, PBS-KQED have been accused and admonished by credible and respected news and mass-media watch and review sources (like and abundant others) of broadcasting as documentaries what are really or strongly appear to be infomercials in disguise, possibly for pay. Listen to Paul Hawken again yourself in this second show, to verify my account of him, in his appearance as a co-guest speaker before the Commonwealth Club on 08-16-2011 at 8 p.m., by mouse clicking on the audio archive of this KQED 88.5 FM radio show:

Step 1, click on brown-colored link
Step 2, click on “media” caption near top of Commonwealth Club Website Page
Step 3, click on “audio” caption in left margin of media page
Step 4, click on “play now” of show listed below once it posts and listen – it has not posted yet

Civil Disobedience vs Working Within the System
The programs guests are Paul Hawken, author of Blessed Unrest, and Bill McKibben, founder of McKibben says the climate crisis is getting so severe that civil disobedience is justified to compel the federal government to confront the fossil fuel lobby. Hawken, who worked on Martin Luther King's famed march on Montgomery, is now helping develop new standards to rate corporate, social and environmental behavior. How do those approaches to change relate to each other? What types of corporations are positive change agents and what types are defenders of the status quo? Where do these two compelling authors agree and disagree?

Because Hawken was once associated with Martin Luther King does not negate his personal wrongful and prejudicial assertions about solar technology and does not confer upon him an unquestionable and unaccountable credential of absolute integrity, licensing him to make misrepresentations to be accepted as unchallengeable truth.

This refutation of his assertions brings into question his other “categorical” adverse talking points against the environmental cleanliness and efficiency of solar panels and current solar technology, which in paraphrase are that:

solar panels are made of coal product and other very toxic materials that combined are circa 5,000 times more toxic than CO2-emitting fossil fuels;

while they operate, solar panels emit gaseous toxins several thousands of times more toxic and polluting than those emitted by fossil fuels;

solar energy is the most inefficient fuel energy source (for generating electricity) in terms of units of energy returned per unit of energy expended to produce it. He says that fossil fuels have 100 units of energy returned for each unit of energy expended for their fuel-energy production compared to 3 to 5 units of energy returned on a unit of energy expended to produce solar energy. (If this is a fact, it would be more of a concern to solar electricity power plants [which it does not appear to be as these plants are proliferating in the U.S., parts of Europe and in Australia lately] and not retail consumers of rooftop solar panels [especially with the arrival of solar energy storage in molten salt], solar calculators, radios, street lamps and personal night lamps, cookers, water heaters, cell-phone and computer battery chargers, cars, airplanes, private car-battery charging stations, etc., which serve these customers perfectly well with, after the often modest and low and declining cost of the solar capture technology itself, a supply of unlimited, free sunlight and mere daylight, even moonlight for some solar devices, and artificial indoor light for some of these, on which to operate or charge for an indefinite number of many years. No other energy technology can do this.).

In response to the interviewer’s question as to whether he has any investments in solar, Hawken disclosed that he does not, and would not invest in solar. Numerous people listening to the standard talking points and this response from a seeming leading environmentalist would probably take them as product-avoidance ethics and investment advice.

The Lesson to Be Learned from Legitimate, Constructive Criticism:

On a professional basis, just, honest, constructive, medicinal criticism (warranted such criticism) as a form of instructive feedback about one’s professionalism and ethical standards, one’s product or one’s service that can lead to improvements in these should always be judiciously welcomed and evaluated for its merits. Coincidentally, in this regard, a rampage by villagers in China against Jinko Solar Holding, a photovoltaics solar-panel manufacturer in Haining, Zhejiang Province, a company accused of releasing toxins into the local river, was reported on and as occurring on 09-18-2011 by the Guardian, U.K. -- the article asserts that China controls 70% of the world market in the manufacture of solar panels. This event points out that evidentially there is a serious toxicity problem with and/or in the manufacture of at least some, or maybe many or all, solar panels made in China, but this does not indeed mean that there is a serious toxicity problem with or in the manufacture of all solar panels and solar technology manufactured by all solar panel and technology companies throughout the world, the U.S. or even in China. The lesson to be taken from this incident and Hawken’s sweeping generalizations is that the solar industry needs to establish an independent, expert clean-certified (environmentally acceptable and maximally-possible clean) rating service for solar panels and solar technology and tag-certify by ranking those that meet its standards. Clean-casing or composition for solar technology should be a feature of competition among solar technology manufacturing companies. In addition, the solar industry and local government building-permit offices need to establish clearance-center and interdiction controls over unscrupulous and/or unlicensed contractors and freelance, unlicensed laborers and handymen, like those chronically besmirching the traditional construction market, doing incomplete and deficient rooftop solar installation work and running off with consumers' money. Also, all on-site private solar and wind-turbine electrical systems need to include standardized, maybe multiple, shutoff mechanisms accessible by and for the protection and minimizing of dangers in disaster and fire situations to site occupants and firefighter, police and emergency-medical-technician first responders. Lastly, municipalities must make the permits process for solar-panel, wind-turbine and other clean-electricity-generation installation systems for homes and private establishments simple, minimal and fast, and permit licensing fees for these nominal for both households and establishments to spur their proliferation and attract home purchases and business and nonprofit entity startups and secure their long-term retention as well as to promote mass-scale general real estate improvements in their locales. Such permitting will, in significant part, make their environs community development and improvement prosperity-magnets. They must not set permit fees that in the least negatively tilt the cost-versus-benefits scale for the adoption of on-site, personal solar, wind-turbine or other clean-electricity generation systems on the side of cost to little or no financial saving gain or benefit to the potential installation purchaser or lessor, levying a purchase-discouraging and proliferation burden on these clean-electricity production systems.

The looming big scare for the fossil-fuels and nuclear energy industries is the coming to market, starting this year of 2011, of a lineup of plug-in all-electric and hybrid electric-gasoline-powered vehicles that can drive long distances and required local, work-related and shopping- and errand-related distances, driving on home and office electricity charges of their batteries and on infrequent fill-ups of their gas tanks, as applicable, at gas stations, eliminating and minimizing the need for fossil fuel energy and dependence on the utility companies power grid, when one’s home or facilities is/are supplied with on-site molten-salt storable solar or wind-turbine electricity. With recent applied advances in on-site and power-plant solar-fuel-energy storage (yes, solar electricity power plants and such with solar molten storage are cropping up in the U.S. and in major industrialized nations worldwide), along with wind-turbine and hydro fuel-energy storage, self-sufficient and power-plant solar-plus generated electricity is/are now poised with certainty to be able to displace and supplant particularly environmentally-hazardous coal and nuclear-power electricity generation and minimize the demand for vehicle gasoline -- not only are there plug-in chargeable electric vehicles as well as nascent solar aircraft and vehicles independent of fossil fuels for their powering but the starter of plug-in chargeable electric airplanes has joined these, as of October 4th of 2011, to the chagrin of the fossil-fuels and nuclear fuel-energy industries and their lobbyists broadcasters, politician whores and puppets, etc.:
Electric Plane Wows NASA | NBC Bay Area – "Two years ago, the thought of flying 200 miles at 100 miles per hour in an electric aircraft was pure science fiction," ( suggests this successful flight prototype is already, or is the forerunner of, a plug-in chargeable e-plane, NASA-Approved Electric Airplane Flies 200 Miles in 2 Hours ... › Cars & Transportation). Note that the mainstream first of these news sources does not make clear that two individuals flew together in the said electric plane for 200 hundred miles at more than 100 miles per hour "at explicitly the electric-energy equivalent of one gallon of gasoline," being at the fuel energy expense of a half a gallon of gasoline per individual for 200 miles. It won't be long before the Defense Department and the major airlines (as well as even electric automobile makers) adopt this technology, thankfully for the atmospheric and ecological health of our planet, as a side benefit, but for them to their maximized performance and cost efficiency!

(In an 10-23-2011, 10-p.m. radio broadcast interview on KQED 88.5 FM's program TechNation, renown economist and author Jeremy Rifkin disclosed that an electric-vehicle charging plate has been invented and is in use that is installed or mounted on the ground so far for electric buses to park over it and battery recharge, charging plates that can be installed or mounted at parking meters to charge EVs of all types, to supplement the growing public infrastructure of EV high-speed charges and those being privately installed for public use in early adopter Best Buy, Walmart and Walgreens parking lots.)

Both the nuclear and fossil-fuels fuel energy industries are on the defensive socially as never before, with the stark, publicly widespread experiences and witnessing of extreme weather events and the reality of climate change caused in major part by fossil-fuels CO2-emissions heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorbed by and heating the oceans, seas and hydrosphere in general, which in turn give rise to the extreme and radical weather events and climate change (not counting public displeasure with constant oil-industry oil spills and major leak problems and NG explosions and hydraulic-fracking water-table and community as well as ecological contamination and pollution); and with 3 nuclear reactor meltdowns of the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plants in Japan (, 03-14-2011,, 06-06-2011), the 48 nuclear power plants found to be leaking radioactive tritium in the U.S. presently (Today.MSNBC, 06-21-2011) and close-call flood threats to 2 U.S. nuclear power plants (the Fort Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Power Plants in Nebraska, May of 2011, Thom Hartmann) and a drought-related wildfire close-call threat to another (the Los Alamos Nuclear Lab in New Mexico, in June 2011) as well as an explosion at the EDF Tricastin Power Plant in Drome, France, on July 4, 2011, 2 days after inspectors found 32 safety issues there ( and another explosion at the Marcoule Nuclear Plant near Avignon, France, on 09-12-2011 (Mother Jones).

Since the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disasters and the rethinking by major industrialized nations about nuclear-power-plant safety (and their renunciation of nuclear power plants), as well as closer public and governmental attention to scares and structural deficiencies with nuclear power plants and the unsolvable problem of its ever accumulating, dangerous, radioactive nuclear waste, the nuclear energy industry is in a state of panic and psychotic hysteria and lying and lashing out every which way in a fit to survive, no matter the hazard to anything and everyone else, at taxpayer disaster insurance and loan-repayment-default liability. As leaders of major industrial nations have announced their commitment to abandon nuclear electrical power and replace it with renewable fuel-energy sources to meet their energy needs, it should come as no surprise that such an investor and investment adviser as Paul Hawken is using his cachet as a high-profile environmentalist, as well as his public-speaking touring association with more highly regarded and credible environmentalist Bill McKibben, riding on his cachet, too, to most persuasively bad talk and denigrate state-of-arts solar technology now able to store and retrieve solar energy for on-demand electricity in and from molten salt, especially valuable, in conjunction with NG in hybrid NG-Solar, plus, power plants to supply 24/7, around-the-clock clean-made electricity:

the problem of clean, chemical-free solar-capture energy storage has been solved by a process of storage in and later extraction from molten salt, Arizona uses molten salt for storage :Solar Power Engineering, - results, Feb 7, 2011 – 150-MW solar project planned for Arizona will use molten salt for energy storage. Utility-scale developer SolarReserve has received its ...; Gemasolar Finishes Building Molten Salt – Backed Solar Power Plant ..., › Solar Power, Jul 7, 2011 – Solar Reserve Receives Funding for CSP & Molten Salt Energy Storage in Nevada ... Solar Power Plant That Uses Molten Salts as Energy Storage ...; Solar Power for Vampires: MIT Team Invents 24-Hour Solar System, CleanTechnica - 1 day ago ... a concentrated solar power system with a molten salt heat storage system. ... the idea is to heat the salt with solar energy, then transfer the energy …,” The Fast Lane to Clean Fuel Energy Independence: the lead & bridge fuel to total clean renewable fuel-energy dominance .

According to the Brookings Institute, clean, alternative-energy-industry jobs, numbering 2.7-million at recent count, already exceed those of the fossil fuels industry:

Sizing the Clean Economy: A Green Jobs ... - Brookings Institution Do not be surprised if you have not read or heard about these facts in the bulk of the mainstream news or communications media, under concentrated big-money control that is vested -- by umbrella-corporate-ownership, investment-relations or major-advertiser-revenue influence -- in the lucrative status-quo fossil-fuels and nuclear energy industrial paradigm, and, if, when you do read or hear about alternative fuel energy, you also read or hear accompanying outdated, obsolete and ignorant editorial comments about its handicaps and insufficiency or that the fuel energy of solar and wind sources is unreliably intermittent and still cannot be stored for later retrieval on demand.

Now that plug-in electric vehicles can be charged on-site by rooftop solar panels, a solar charging station, or on-site wind turbines (businesses that can afford them can have their own on-site mini wind farms or wind-turbine parks), competitor detractors of plug-in electric vehicles can no longer criticize them for depending on filthy coal-sourced electrical power plants, where coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel, is far more dirty than either of the other two fossil fuels, fossil oil and natural gas (NG). Their criticism had no true worth in the past, nevertheless, since coal-fired power plants in the past decade produced less than 50% of the nation’s electricity with the remainder, until recent years, produced by NG, nuclear, hydro and the renewables of wind, solar, geothermal and biofuels, in that order. Once the high-speed-charger 1/2-charge time for plug-in EVs is reduced from 10 minutes for the cira 160-mile-range BYD and from 20 minutes for cira the optional 150- versus 300-mile-range Tesla Models S EVs to 5 minutes, and hopefully such becomes the standard for all EVs, with their purchase prices matching those of gas vehicles, the automobile industry and retail car-lot dealerships will be buzzing wildly again with business. In recent years, NG, hydro and the renewables sources for electricity generation have gained market share and coal and nuclear sources have lost market share in demand and production, with coal‘s diminishing dominant market share having declined to 41.5% at the last energy market assessment by the Department of Energy, ended in year 2009. This criticism has been just anti-clean-tech, adversarial propaganda by the competitor, notorious-polluter fossil fuels industry and public-insurance and tax-trough leech, radioactive and mishap-coverup nuclear industry and their broadcast apologists, lobbyists, advocates and investment promoters. They have also tried to vilify the wind-turbine industry by exploiting the problem of this technology in being a source of bird deaths, where some birds fly into the turbine blades and kill themselves -- a problem the wind-turbine industry has undertaken to remedy. They have yelped out “They kill birds! They kill birds!,” as though they really care about this but don’t care about and deny the air, water, plant and animal pollution, illness, disease and death fossil fuels emission and nuclear accidents, hazardous waste and critical-dosage radiation cause, in addition to the environmental destruction wrecked in the extraction and mining of their ore. What they want is for solar, wind and the other renewable sources of fuel energy, and technologies that use them (plug-in electric and hybrid cars), to go away. In essence, they want the new kids on the block competitors, that threaten their economics and possibly their existence, to go away. So far, the Nissan Leaf, the first plug-in all electric vehicle by a major auto manufacturer to be sold in the U.S., has sold 15,000 of these cars in the U.S. as of 10-10-2011, an impressive sales number for a debut car according to historical sales data on Nissan, (a report whose numbers are inconsistent with the following report); the Chevy Volt plug-in hybrid car, the first plug-in hybrid to be sold in the U.S., after GMC recently lifted a hold on the sale of Volts by its dealerships, experienced a year-to-date sales leap past 5,000 in October of 2011, Chevrolet Volt debuts in Arizona, - Cathy Luebke - 3 days ago Chevrolet Volt has arrived in Arizona, part of a second-wave introduction of General Motors ... Its 2011 sales total 8048 to date, with 849 sold in October. ..; and Tesla Motors has pre-sold its entire scheduled production of 2012 Model S plug-in all electric sedans, Tesla 'Sold Out' For 2012 | Fox News days ago – Want a Model S next year? ... The Journal Editorial Report ... road until the middle of 2012, but the automaker's CEO says it is already 'sold out. ...They want our society to be technologically backward and stagnant in permanent dependence on and support of their old-fashion and dangerous technology and industries, and to keep that revenue and those profits, dividends and capital gains coming to them and their investors.

KGO News-Talk Radio 810 AM has each a weekend nuclear-engineering professor and an investment market analyst and adviser who evangelize for “a nuclear Manhattan program” of the mass construction of nuclear power plants across the U.S., at taxpayer calamity and general insurance and loan guarantee (privatization of profit and socialization of liability and risk) as well as for replacing the federal nationwide fleet of vehicles with natural-gas powered cars (more accurately viewed as “putt-putt, nasty-butt stinky fart car,” giving off 30% more CO2 emissions than simple electric-gasoline hybrid vehicles and dirtier than either plug-in all-electric or hybrid vehicles, if their batteries were charged by 100% coal-sourced electricity, according to studies, which is not the case, and whose driving range is less than mid-range and above new plug-in all-electric and all hybrid vehicles and having a fueling time far greater than public and home fast-charger times for these), to the exclusion of even plug-in all-electric vehicles (which entail neither oil changes nor tune ups, no smog-control test and certification, require minimal maintenance, cost the least of all vehicles to insure and are emancipated from creeping [of the average] and fluctuating fossil-fuels, especially gasoline, prices) and hybrid vehicles; however, from a practical standpoint, NG, the least dirty fossil fuel, is desirable and necessary for supplying the necessary fuel energy safely and cleanly in power plants in combination with renewable energy sources to supplant most dangerous coal, fossil oil and nuclear sources and a plug-in hybrid electric-NG vehicle, if created, would be a cleaner-running vehicle than a hybrid-gasoline vehicle of any kind. They also advocate for drilling for oil and NG in all wildlife preserves protected from industry and commercial or human development, although the oil from all of these, on their own, without foreign oil, could meet the U.S. oil demand for no more than 7 years (as of 2008) at the current rate of oil consumptions by the U.S.; however, the profits and returns to investors from this totality oil drilling and extraction would be possibly in the hundreds of billions of dollars in total, and many times more if the U.S. transportation economy remains dependent on fossil oil until it is essentially depleted. They ignore or minimize the importance of global warming and climate change and the connection of these to atmospheric heat-trapping greenhouse gases from industrial and vehicle fossil-fuels pollution emissions and the dangers and time and financial burdens in the construction of nuclear power plants. The professor has even said that climate change has extended the European planting and/or harvesting season, and asked “Isn’t that a good thing?,” paying no mind to the unprecedented heat waves, droughts, wildfires, tropical storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, floods, dry storms, snow storms, deep freezes, etc., striking the U.S. and variously elsewhere throughout the world. His response to BP Oil’s 2010 Deepwater-Horizon mammoth, months-long disastrous, accidental man-made oil geyser and resultant oil flood of the Gulf of Mexico was to the effect that “Oil naturally oozes (seeps) up from oceans floors and it regularly washes up on beaches as tar balls (where in fact it may ooze up in miniscule amounts relative to any ocean’s or sea’s water volume and not in extensive, concentrated and venue-saturation amounts poisoning, sickening, incapacitating and killing en masse marine life and water fowl and blanketing marine surfaces and beaches with oil-slick blight, all together destroying human marine-related livelihoods, and undermining scenic and family beach enjoyment and coastal hotel-and-restaurant-industry patronage and financial stability).” The professor refers derisively to environmentalists as “greenies” and “eco frauds.” The hidden agenda of his gospel of stay the course with fossil fuels and nuclear power plants becomes clear when he says that cars of the proposed federal fleet of all NG putt-putt, nasty-butt stinky fart cars could easily have a switch on them for them to also operate on gasoline. Their professed rationale for the changing of the federal vehicle fleet over to exclusively NG vehicles is that this would jump start and prop up the market for NG (of which the U.S. is estimated to have enough NG to supply all domestic energy needs for at least 100 years, a shortsighted and short-term-thinking frame of mind, and stop-gap fuel-energy supply strategy, not in the long-term interest of our fuel-energy economy and posterity ) and NG vehicles and the domestic transportation market to fuel energy independence from foreign oil and immediately frighten the foreign oil producer nations into dramatically lowering the price of their oil, from which gasoline is made. However, the decisive domestic effect of this implementation would be for it establish a federal monopoly market niche for all-around inferior NG vehicles to artificially promote and support preservation of the atmospherically and environmentally dirty and hazardous fossil-fuels automotive and status-quo, traditional fossil-fuels and nuclear power-plant industries to the disadvantage of the nascent but superior plug-in all-electric and hybrid automobiles and clean, unlimited alternative, renewable fuel-energy-sources industries, shutting them out of the federal government market, the largest fleet purchaser of automobiles, and perhaps leading to their embargo by conservative-technologist and industry controlled state governments also giving preference to problematic traditional dirty fossil-fuels technology, not based on competitive performance and environmental friendliness criteria and merit. (The nuclear-engineering professor was relieved of his job, as were other high-profile KGO talk-show hosts and staff, and the investment adviser was fittingly shifted to KGO's substantially right-wing oriented sister radio station KSFO 560 AM in December of 2011 following the purchase of these radio stations by their new owner Cumulus Media.).

Though NG is the least dirty of the fossil fuels, nevertheless it is critically dirty and a serious source of atmospheric polluting greenhouse gases unless it is sequestered and cleanly burned and/or converted in NG power plants for generating electricity, electricity that is safely and cleanly distributed to homes, offices and facilities from NG electrical power plants -- only NG that is secured without hydraulic fracking should be used for this or for any purpose. This is a far superior means of electrical power generation, by any standard, than by means of coal and nuclear power plants, which NG power plants can supplant and are supplanting. The domestic supply of NG utilized primarily in this way could last for two centuries or more, especially if used in hybrid NG and renewable-energy-sources power plants. Using NG primarily for generating distributed electricity in power plants also minimizes and could eliminate entirely the poisoning and explosion dangers of faulty, as well as the aging and natural-forces degradation of, vapor-gas delivery lines leading to vapor NG user and dispenser sites. The power people in the fossil-fuels industry, and their knowledgeable representatives, know all of this but this is not their advocacy. Why?

Long before the natural terrestrial and marine stores of NG are exhausted, planetary bi-solar 24/7, around-the-clock smart-grid inter-continentally and trans-regionally redundantly power-cable linked, pooled and shared solar and wind-turbine generated, cheapest-ever and infinite, electricity will be in place, supplemented by local hydro, geothermal, municipal-sewage-plant biodigester conversion of endlessly replenished human waste to power-plant sequestered methane gas for further clean conversion to distributable electricity, with the refuge from this latter process making for agricultural fertilizer. By such time, the technology may also be in operation for extracting and recycling methane and the other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and oceans and seas, to usable power plant gases for the sequestered, clean generation of distributable power-plant electricity.  Per a most recent information update on an advance in solar technology, pervasive, simple around-the-clock 24/7 on-site and utility-company solar electricity generation and supply may be available a lot sooner than previously expected in light of a most recent breakthrough new technology arrival for dramatically augmenting the time span for solar electricity generation or making it standalone, reported publicly on 02-29-2012, being night-time solar cell technology that generates electricity in the dark, developed by scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, especially when used in conjunction with molten-salt solar energy storage,….  Also, cat-tail wind turbines that do not endanger birds and bats are here, Wind Power Without the BladesBig Pics : Discovery News › Tech News.

Charges by partisans of the fossil-fuels industry of the toxic composition of solar panels are an old, all-but-abandoned competition-attack talking point by this industry. Big broadcast media licensed near-monopoly control of the publicly-owned broadcast airwaves -- freed from the once federal fairness doctrine of allocating equal broadcast time for the legitimate and fair expression of independent contrasting political and civic viewpoints -- has created a largely solo-view, bullhorn-microphone echo chamber across the vast majority of broadcast venues and markets to advance political and financial special interests and denigrate and politically and socially destroy their challengers and competitors. The weekend nuclear-power-plant and fossil-fuels advocate and evangelist professor-of-nuclear-engineering talk show host on KGO 810 AM night-time radio exploits this privileged, one-sided access to the public by routinely emphatically soliciting listeners to visit his advocacy website to send copies of his letter/s, possibly a petition or petitions also, calling for the federal government's purchase and patronage of natural-gas vehicles exclusively, to the exclusion of EVs and hybrid vehicles, for its vehicle fleets in making new vehicle purchases to replace its existing fleets and possibly for it to implement his nuclear power plant vision for the U.S., to the Obama administration, if not also to their members of Congress. To the best of my recall, I believe I last heard the claim on this show that more that 100,000 of the letters have been sent so far to the White House alone. Should broadcast-media talk show hosts, who have privileged instantaneous access to millions of viewers and listeners, be given privileged consideration, over voices and viewpoints not having such access, as a consequence of the reach and impact of their privileged broadcaster lobbyist influence, in driving and determining political or government policy?

If it were not for Paul Hawken accompanying Bill McKibben on the public speaking and interview circuit, in truth, there would no open-minded, general listening audience for Paul Hawken’s individual equivocal but anti-solar technology message. The presence of Bill McKibben gives Paul Hawken the open door to a psychologically unguarded and receptive general, and, particularly, clean-tech, green-tech supporter audience for him to deliver his at-root, adversarial message on solar technology. If I were the CEO and chairman of Exxon-Mobil Oil Corp. I would be delighted in hearing Paul Hawken on the speaker circuit and regard him as not any kind of threat to my business operations. Rather, I would view Hawken as an ally, if not a fortuitous lobbyist, for my industry, with a softening effect on McKibben‘s criticism of my industry. McKibben is the obvious headline, audience-drawing speaker between the two and is an unmitigated critic of the dirty fossil fuels industry and pro fossil-fuels politics and government policy. These two speakers are easy to identify in listening to them on the radio by their vocal styles. Hawken has the softer, cultivated, more intimate voice; McKibben has the more assertive, firmer voice. They overlap in expressing concern about existent global warming, extreme weather events and climate change, and the fallout effects of these on the environment in general, the ecology and humanity. We can expect that fossil and nuclear fuel-energy-industry partisans will seize on Paul Hawken’s categorical smear and put down of solar panels and technology, referring to him as a leading environmentalist incriminating this technology as worse than fossil and nuclear sources of fuel energy. When his attacks on solar technology are matched with fact and information from neutral, expert voices and other sources on solar technology, so far he clearly comes across as an adversarial propagandist against solar.

Quite busily, since the shutdown and pending bankruptcy filing of the Fremont, CA unique cylindrical-solar-panel company Solyndra Inc. (which had received a $527,000,000.00 or $535,000,000.00 federally guaranteed loan, in installments, in recent years -- both amounts reported in the mainstream news media) in September of this year 2011, critics and adversaries of the solar industry are categorically casting aspersions on the whole of the solar industry by making reference to Solyndra as emblematic of the solar industry and calling for the elimination of government loan guarantees and tax incentives in support of the the growth of the solar industry, if not also for the wind and other alternative-fuels fuel-energy industries -- loans guarantees and tax incentives that have supported the problematic nuclear industry from its inception to date (institutionalized corporate welfare), and tax incentives and public-lands drilling and fuels-extraction privileges, at minimal and no benefit to the taxpayer public, of the fossil fuels industries that they have had for more than a century, without interruption to date (institutionalized corporate welfare). They do not impugn the whole of the recently truly pervasively troubled domestic automobile, Wall Street brokerage and banking industries for the failures, respectively, of most, some and many companies within these industries and do not call for government refusal to rescue some of these -- something not being requested by the the solar and renewable fuel-energy industries -- and refusal to insure depositor bank accounts (inclusive of their own). Nor do they say that because once each Macy's and K-Mart filed for and went into bankruptcy that the whole of the department store industry has failed. Nor do they generalize the U.S. oil industry as being an economically failed industry because it has contracted from numerous oil companies in the 1960s to a very few presently (Exxon-Mobil Corp., ConocoPhillips Corp., Chevron Corp.).

As regards the highly efficient, unique solar-capture cylinder technology of Solyndra, it and its patent will be sold off to a competitor, or possibly be made public domain technology to all competitors and interested parties, in Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy court, in the court's sell off and/or other disposal of Solyndra's assets, likely resulting in a better deployment of its valuable technology for the solar industry, to the greater benefit of the solar-electrical-systems consumer market.

Why Personal Solar and Wind-turbine Electricity Generation Technologies Are Here to Stay

1. Solar and wind energy are ubiquitous and inexhaustible. Now that their energy can be stored in molten-salt and hydrogen sources, their energy can be concurrently distributed to presently generate electricity for immediate use and stored for later on-demand electricity generation and use when there is no local sunlight (for photovoltaic solar capture) or heat (for thermal-voltaic solar capture) and/or no wind current. With readily-available simple solar and wind technology that can be privately owned or leased for homeowner, rental, office, school, facility and farm on-site safe electricity generation, individuals and entities can now produce their own cheap, unlimited and uninterruptible off-the-grid personal, private electricity (comparable as an industrial and ownership paradigm to their predecessor the personal computer, innovated and made possible by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak of garage-business start-up Apple Computer and Bill Gates and Paul Allen of start-up Microsoft Corp. in the 1970s, for anyone), has now come the petite, personal electric power grid, constituted of on-site electrical-system-integrated, safe on-site rooftop, plus, solar panels and on-site wind-turbines, for supplying electricity to and powering lighting, appliances, hard-wired and plug-in electronics and electric vehicles and such fleets. Gradually, anyone and any establishment that can use and afford a petite, personal on-site solar and/or wind-turbine electrical grid will purchase one, including anti-environmentalist, free-market, free-for-all-market, mansion- and palace-dwelling, ruthless financial Libertarians and wealthy fossil-fuels-companies investors and executives and nuclear-power-plant aficionados -- the Papal Vatican city-state is a solarization leader and model for other religious institutions and buildings and for royals and corporate campuses. Any viable, new industry undergoes a growth process consisting of an incubation or latency phase, an early adopter phase, an general adopter phase and a stride phase. The renewable alternative energies industry is in its transitional incubation and early adopter phase.

2. Once a self-empowering and liberating product, that is a benefit to buyers and even modestly profitable to producers and sellers (a solvent business can be made of it and a living can be made on it), becomes rooted (is popular or in steady demand and supply), it will not go way unless it is outlawed.

3. They are highly affordable and becoming more so.

4. Solar and wind-turbine electricity generation technologies for personal and power-plant ownership already have multiple statewide committed, devoted markets of household, business, nonprofit establishment and local government adopters. Buffer-zone protected, fortressed military bases, also early adopters, supplied with a combination of their own on-site geothermal, and concurrently storable and immediately distributable PV and thermal solar, wind-turbine and biomass-biodigester sourced electricity, would be maximally energy self sufficient and continuously operational, and thereby minimally vulnerable, wherever they are located in the world. Once alternative renewable fuel energy sources displace fossil fuels and nuclear energy as the dominant industrial fuel sources, relevant immoral corporate power and politicians will have far less incentive to misuse the armed forces for imperial fossil and nuclear resource grab-and-control wars and then military bases can be turned into U.S. good-will diplomacy power plants and hubs, as well as international peace-keeper bases, serving the energy and peace needs of troubled host nations and people.

Energy Matters published an article on 10-25-2011 titled 'Solar Power's ROI Higher Than Other Renewable Energy Sources' -- ROI means return on investment -- citing "Global Solar Inverter Markets, released by SBI, states the payback for a typical solar PV-based project has reduced from 7-10 years to 3-5 years currently." (Both solar and wind-turbine electricity systems are guaranteed for 25 to 30 years, so they have a lot, possibly decades, of guaranteed free electricity life after they are paid off.),

For a simple-to-grasp, clear, brief, thorough and pleasurable education on the beneficial personal and societal economics and wise national security politics of solar energy systems and electric transportation (including electric bullet trains), and, as possible, the pairing or wedding of these, and more, read the commentary titled 'PV+EV = A Match Made in Heaven,' by Jason Jungreis, of San Francisco, CA, a clean technology attorney, by mouse clicking on

Miscellaneous Major News on Solar Energy in October & November of 2011

Article on Gizmodo titled 'World's First Solar Plant to Generate Electricity Even at Night,' dated 10-12-2011, reporting that Gemasolar heliostatic power plant in Spain is operational and able to run day and night -- for 15 consecutive hours of darkness via retrievable solar energy storage in molten salt:

Article on eSolar Energy News titled 'Orbiting Solar Plants within 30 Years?,' dated 11-14-2011:

Special Good News on Wind?  Click on and read the good news at, an Environmental Finance article, dated 11-1o-2011, titled 'Onshore wind farms seen cost-competitive by 2016' (by then a cheaper source of electrical power generation than the currently cheapest fossil-fuels source, natural gas in NG-fired power plants displacing coal-fired power plants and rendering nuclear power plants uncompetitive and unnecessary).     

Concluding Remarks

Use your wherewithal to unmask, combat and junk cognitive-dissonance saboteur-infiltrator, duplicitous double dealers in the green energy market and advocacy movement. They are there and are often smart and suave. The fact is that although major solar-fuel energy technology (rooftop panels, power plants and hybrid NG-solar electricity-generating power plants) hold approximately 1% of the fuel-energy market in the U.S., as determined by the Department of Energy in its 2009 release of statistics on market share among the electricity-generation raw fuel sources, nonetheless solar was/is exponentially the fastest growing source of electrical energy generation, with 2009 being the most recent year as of today of assessment of the fuel-energy producers market by the DOE, to the best of my knowledge and research -- meaning that solar has the greatest consumer demand and market-share growth potential indefinitely among the other fuel-energy sources for generating electricity. It's boom time for solar for a long, long, l o n g time! However, as within any industrial or business sector of the economy, there will always be individual company failures, mismanagement and corruption as well as general shake outs in competition among solar energy companies, for rooftop and power-plant utility companies, as will be the case for the other alternative renewable energy companies. 

As regards this overall matter, the author of this writing repudiates the fossil-fuels expansionist drill-baby-drill, ravage, pollute, poison, spill, blight and kill national-fuel-energy agenda of primacy-of-profits 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and rejects his candidacy and strategy of opacity regarding the public disclosure of his financial and tax, with emphasis on “income tax,” paying integrity and character in publicly vetting, as a presidential candidate, the status of his publicly accountable and verifiable ethical fitness to occupy the highest public office in the nation, without his insistence that the public rely on and trust his self-serving mere words and uncorroborated assurances of financial and tax-paying uprightness.  All federal civil servants and members of the armed forces are subjected to an agency or FBI character background check or investigation and all proposed presidential cabinet secretary appointees are subject to Congressional challenge and confirmation as well as an FBI background check. Traditionally in modern times all other presidential and vice-presidential candidates have made extensive public disclosures of their income-tax and financial background — incidentally, in separate property marriages, in which a non-candidate spouse for political office may have entered the marriage with substantial personal assets or an inherited fortune, the political-office candidate spouse has no right to or involvement with those assets by law so long as those assets remain separate property and disclosure of that spouse’s personal separate assets and related financial affairs may be a liable trespass against the privacy of that spouse and a liable basis for divorce of the offending spouse.  Certainly mega-millionaire scion Mitt Romney knows this when he facetiously cites former presidential candidate U.S. Senator John Kerry, D-Mass (who promptly made a thorough public financial and income-tax disclosure on himself during his candidacy), as having not made a public financial and tax disclosure on his wife, the heir to a large fortune before his marriage to her, and dishonestly makes reference to this appropriate nondisclosure (a disclosure John Kerry would have had no legal right to make) as a justification and excuse for making a peek-a-boo minimal, scant and untimely (in effect “I’ll reveal the other financial and tax tidbit on myself after the election.”) disclosure of his own financial and income-tax filing and paying background and history.  The same legal situation applies to U.S. Senator John McCain, R-Nev., and his presidential bid in 2008 when made a thorough public financial & tax disclosure on himself but not on his premaritally independently rich, mega-millionaire heiress wife, another example of  financial and tax nondisclosure on a wife by a presidential candidate Romney cites as a justification and excuse for his not making a full or extensive financial and tax disclosure on himself.  Apparently Romney is obstructing full or extensive disclosure on himself because he is embarrassed and has something disturbing to hide and feels the harm to himself from tiny or nondisclosure is tolerable in comparison to the devastation a full or extensive disclosure might precipitate.  It is suspect when he says in effect “I have paid lots of taxes” and avoids the term “income taxes” — he seems to be fudging with the use of this hedge language. Romney is of dubious financial and income-tax paying and filing character until there is certified documented revelation to the contrary, which may, however, result in a finding of disreputable character.


The Green Police

There will be capitalism with a conscience or there will be no capitalism. Capitalism with conscience but not with a dunce cap.

Folks, check out this tweet feed titled 'Rwanda's Poo-Powered Prisons' by BBC news, with a news video link at
world-africa-16203507, something I added to my blog promoting a similar but bigger idea, The Fast Lane to Clean Fuel Energy Independence: the lead & bridge fuel to total clean renewable fuel-energy dominance http://
/2011/04/21/fast-lane-to-clean-energy-independence/. We can get off of dirty & environmentally dangerous & disruptive traditional fossil fuels abruptly if only we decided to do so & did so, at lesser energy bills expense at home, work & on the roads.